
Balanced Lifestyle
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What is a Pilates Lifestyle?

It might come as no surprise, but exercise has become more than just exercise. Specifically, with Pilates. Pilates has evolved into more than just movement. This form of exercise has grown into a way for one to achieve a fully balanced lifestyle. A Pilates lifestyle...
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How to Live a Balanced Lifestyle as a Small Business Owner and Mom of Littles Pilates Body Healthy Weeknight Dinner PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio

How to Live a Balanced Lifestyle as a Small Business Owner and Mom of Littles

Living a balanced lifestyle is something discussed often and seen highlighted on our social media pages. But, what does the word “balanced” even mean anymore? I often feel that the word balanced is overused and misused, especially in the sense of the phrase “work-life balance”....
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