
what-is-a-pilates-lifestyle-PILATESBODY-by-Kayla-pilates-instructor-studio-minneapolis-minnesota 2

What is a Pilates Lifestyle?

It might come as no surprise, but exercise has become more than just exercise. Specifically, with Pilates. Pilates has evolved into more than just movement. This form of exercise has grown into a way for one to achieve a fully balanced lifestyle. A Pilates lifestyle...
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5 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Prioritize Yourself PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor coach long lake minnesota minneapolis usa 5

5 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Prioritize Yourself

What is Self-Love? We’ve probably all heard the quote, “To love others, you must love yourself first”. Or this saying very similar, “Love yourself first, because it’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.” But what does loving yourself really entail? How,...
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How to Listen to Your Body and What It Really Means With 4 Mindful Techniques PILATES BODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa4

How to Listen to Your Body and What It Really Means: With 4 Mindful Techniques

We’ve all heard our personal trainer, fitness friend, yoga or Pilates teacher say, “Just make sure you listen to your body in today’s workout!”… Heck! This is a phrase I say in almost every Pilates studio session or online Pilates class I teach. But what...
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10 Last-Minute Wellness Stocking Stuffers Gift Guide

Health & Wellness Stocking Stuffers for the Fitness Lover in Your Life. I still love waking up to a stocking full of surprises and joy – even if it’s something as small as a tin of mints or a new pair of socks! Not all...
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Collagen: The Anti-Aging Supplement

By now, we have all heard the word “Collagen”. But, what is it really? What is the truth behind this glorified anti-aging supplement? What is the difference between all these products that are on the market now? As collagen recently began to flood the market,...
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10 Trader Joe's Fall Favorites You Need This Season PILATESBODY by Kayla Pilates Studio Instructor Long Lake Minnesota Minneapolis feature

10 Trader Joe’s Fall Favorites You Need This Season

Summer is my favorite season. As much as I don’t enjoy the weather turning cooler, I do enjoy all the fall flavors and foods! Yes, that means I indulge and I don’t always eat healthy. After all, who doesn’t like all of the apple treats...
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