For those new to Pilates, this workout is a great starting point for building core strength and pelvic stability. By focusing on core engagement, each exercise is designed to activate the inner abdominals and support spinal-pelvic stabilization. Remember to breathe deeply and move slowly, keeping the back neutral throughout this at-home Pilates workout. Be sure to fully engage your core and avoid arching your lower back, even if you need to do a smaller movement.


11-Minute Beginner Pilates Pelvic Stabilization Workout (Day 2)

For those new to Pilates, this workout is a great starting point for building core strength and pelvic stability. By focusing on core engagement, each exercise is designed to activate the inner abdominals and support spinal-pelvic stabilization. Remember to breathe deeply and move slowly, keeping the back neutral throughout this at-home Pilates workout. Be sure to fully engage your core and avoid arching your lower back, even if you need to do a smaller movement.

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This is DAY 2 of our Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

This workout is a fantastic way to kick off your beginner Pilates journey towards a stronger core and better pelvic stability. The whole idea here is to pay special attention to your core muscles as you do each exercise. This helps wake up those inner abdominal muscles and gives your spine and pelvis the support they need. We continue to master the Pilates breathing from Day 1. Keeping your back in a natural, neutral position throughout the workout will help activate your core and avoid any excessive arching in your lower back – let’s scale movements back to instill the Pilates principles first.

The ten workouts of this Pilates challenge will teach you how to activate each of your core muscles separately. Each workout will build upon what is learned the day prior. In this workout specifically, we will focus on pelvic stability for a stronger core as I teach you the beginnings of how to build a solid core foundation.


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Day 2 Workout of the Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge is all about core Pelvic Stabilization and continuing with the Pilates breathing techniques. We are going to be tapping into our stabilizers to activate the transverse abdominals.

In addition, pelvic stabilization is the secret sauce to mastering the inner core activation. We will also be tapping into our obliques at the end of the workout.

Let’s get to the mat!

Pilates Pelvic Stabilization for Beginners

This is your starting point for building a rock-solid Pilates foundation! You’ll pick up the knack of stabilizing your pelvis to fire up the core, all while keeping your Pilates breathing techniques in the mix. Start by tuning in to yourself, creating that mind-body connection. Remember, your mind is the boss that tells your muscles what to do!

5 Benefits of Pilates Pelvic Stabilization Exercises

By working on pelvic stabilization, you’re not only strengthening your core but also reaping these incredible benefits for your overall well-being:

  1. Core Strength — Pelvic stabilization helps engage and strengthen your core muscles, which play a crucial role in maintaining overall body stability and supporting your spine.
  2. Improved Posture — By focusing on stabilizing your pelvis, you naturally encourage better posture. This can reduce strain on your back and neck and make you look taller and more confident.
  3. Reduced Risk of Injuries — A stable pelvis provides a solid foundation for movement, reducing the risk of injury by promoting proper alignment and controlled muscle activation.
  4. Enhanced Athletic Performance — Whether you’re an athlete or just a fitness enthusiast, pelvic stabilization can enhance your performance in various activities by improving your balance, control, and power.
  5. Back Pain Relief — Many people experience relief from lower back pain when they work on pelvic stabilization. It helps distribute stress more evenly through the spine and supports its natural curves.

Pelvic Stabilization Muscles FAQ

What is pelvic stabilization?

Pelvic stabilization refers to the practice of engaging and maintaining control over the muscles around your pelvis, particularly the core muscles. By doing so, you create a stable and balanced foundation for your movements, which enhances overall body stability. Which helps prevent unnecessary strain on your spine and improves your body’s balance contributing to better control and efficiency in your movements.

What causes pelvic instability?

Pelvic instability can stem from a variety of factors. One common cause is pregnancy, as hormonal changes during this time can loosen ligaments and affect pelvic alignment. Additionally, injuries, accidents, or surgeries involving the pelvic region can disrupt its stability. Weakness in the core and pelvic floor muscles, poor posture, and muscle imbalances are also contributors that can lead to pelvic instability.

What does an unstable pelvis feel like?

When your pelvis is unstable, you might notice a range of sensations. It could feel like your hips are misaligned or not quite in their usual position, potentially causing an uneven weight distribution while standing or walking. This instability could also bring about sensations of tension, strain, or achiness in the lower back, hips, or groin area.

What are the pelvic stabilization muscles?

Princeton University Athletic Medicine’s Pelvic Stabilization, Lateral Hip and Gluteal Strengthening Program states, “The muscles that are primarily responsible for pelvic stabilization include: gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, pirformis and deep core muscles.”


This Beginner Pilates workout builds on the Pilates principle of centering, meaning maintaining the body in a neutral position. When keeping a neutral pelvis by not tilting it forwards or backwards, this allows you to establish proper muscle control and performance.

You will learn the best beginner Pilates pelvic stabilization exercises and breathing exercises in this at-home workout. We’ll target deep core activation of the transverse abdominis muscle (TVA) and start to contract the outer abs (rectus abdominis) and oblique muscles. This workout is designed to be done in the comfort of your home or on-the-go with no equipment, only an exercise mat.

Workout Equipment

Other than a Pilates mat, this is a no equipment workout!

A good quality Pilates mat will help you to stay comfortable with thick cushion support and the right amount of grip to flow between exercises during your workout.

Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!


Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!

Workout Instructions

Follow along with the guided Beginner Pilates Pelvic Stabilization for a Strong Core YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner

Duration: 11-Minute Workout


  • Pelvic Stabilization Exercises
  • Contracting the Outer Abs (Rectus Abdominis)
  • Introducing the Oblique Muscles

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

7 Best Pelvic Stabilization Exercises for Beginners

Pilates Clockwork Exercise

Targets: Abdominal muscles individually and mind-body connection.


How to Do Pilates Clockwork

  1. On your exercise mat, begin by laying down with your peace fingers placed on your obliques. In this exercise, think of your right side abs as ’3:00’ on a clock face, and your left side abs as ‘9:00’.
  2. Begin to activate only your right side abs at ’3:00’, without activating anywhere else. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  3. Then, activate only your left side abs at ‘9:00’, without activating anywhere else. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  4. Continue to individually activate the right and left side abs, going back and forth a few times. Then, try to remove your hands and repeat steps 1 – 4 again.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Clockwork Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!
* For more information, read my Pilates Principle of Concentration and the Clockwork Exercise blog post.

Ribcage Arms Exercise

Targets: Arm movement from the base of the core.


How to Do Ribcage Arms

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. As you Exhale, reach your arms back toward your ears, keeping your ribs down and together.
  3. Inhale, bring your arms back above your chest.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Ribcage Arms Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Knee Spreads Exercise

Targets: Inner core, glutes, mind-body connection.


How to Do Knee Spreads

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in a neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet together on the floor.
  2. Inhale and begin to pry the knees apart, pressing the bottoms of the feet together feeling the glutes slightly activate, keeping the lumbar spine imprinted into the mat.
  3. Exhale pull the knees back together, keeping the zipping up of the lower core and the hips steady.
  4. Inhale again, repeating 5 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Knee Spreads Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise with Butterfly Legs

Targets: Inner core, pelvic stabilization.


How to Do Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) with Butterfly Legs

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in knee spread (butterfly) position. Hands behind your head.
  2. Exhale, tuck your chin towards your chest and begin to lift your head off the mat using your abdominal muscles feeling the spine imprint and the ribs draw down and together.
  3. Inhale, return the head back to neutral spine, without the ribs flaring. * Note: The knees may have to lift slightly higher to keep neutral spine.
  4. Repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise with Butterfly Legs, watch the workout video at the top!

Spinal Imprinting Exercise

Targets: Inner core, mind-body connection.


How to Do Spinal Imprinting

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in knee spread (butterfly) position. Hands above your chest.
  2. Exhale, press hands together above chest feeling your centerline come together and spine imprint into the mat using the strength of your abdominals.
  3. Inhale, release hands shoulder width.
  4. Exhale, press hands together again and repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Spinal Imprinting Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Side to Side Squeeze Exercise

Targets: Rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques.


How to Do Side to Side Squeeze

  1. Begin laying on your back, palms down and arms long by your sides.
  2. Begin with your knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, pressing heels firmly into the floor.
  3. Inhale, prepare. Exhale come into your chest lift.
  4. Inhale, pause at the top in center.
  5. Exhale, side squeeze right, reaching the right hand to the right heel without losing your curl up.
  6. Inhale, return back to center in your chest lift.
  7. Exhale, side squeeze left, reaching the left hand to the left heel without losing your curl up.
  8. Inhale, return back to center in your chest lift. Repeat 3 each side.

* For a live demonstration of the Side to Side Squeeze Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Toe Taps Exercise

Targets: Abdominals, lumbo-pelvic stability.

How to Do Toe Taps

  1. Begin laying on your back, palms down and arms long by your sides.
  2. Begin with your knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, feet want to feel on the floor as the core is holding the weight of the legs up.
  3. Exhale to raise right knee to chest using your deep core muscles.
  4. Inhale lightly set the right foot down making sure the abs stay engaged in spinal imprint and the pelvic remains still.
  5. Exhale to raise left knee to chest using your deep core muscles.
  6. Inhale lightly set the left foot down making sure the abs stay engaged and the pelvic remains still. Repeating 8-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Toe Taps Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


FREE Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge Workout Program

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork in just 15-minutes a day.

If you liked this Beginner Pilates Core Breathing & Pilates Basics workout at home, download the FREE 10-Day Beginner Pilates Core + Ab Workout Plan.

Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos


Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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