Develop deep core endurance with this Beginner Pilates Daily Flow Workout that will challenge your core and help you build strength from the inside out. With a focus on proper alignment and breathing, you’ll improve your core and ab endurance while mastering the basics. You will go deeper by progressing the fundamental core movements that were taught in workouts Day 1 (Pilates Basics + Core Breathing) and Day 2 (Pilates Pelvic Stabilization) of the Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge.


13-Minute Beginner Pilates Daily Flow Workout (Day 3)

Develop deep core endurance with this Beginner Pilates Daily Flow Workout that will challenge your core and help you build strength from the inside out. With a focus on proper alignment and breathing, you’ll improve your core and ab endurance while mastering the basics. You will go deeper by progressing the fundamental core movements that were taught in workouts Day 1 (Pilates Basics + Core Breathing) and Day 2 (Pilates Pelvic Stabilization) of the Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge.

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This is DAY 3 of our Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

If you’re in search of a beginner-friendly Pilates routine to enhance your core strength and cultivate better breathing techniques, your search ends here. This at-home Beginner Pilates Challenge is ideal for mastering fundamental movements and seamlessly connecting them, facilitating the development of a more profound mind-body connection.

Throughout this Beginner Pilates Challenge, you’ll embark on a journey to isolate and engage each core muscle individually. Each day’s session builds upon the knowledge gained the day before. In this particular workout, our primary focus lies in mastering the art of core-centric breathing and core endurance while laying the groundwork for a strong and stable core foundation.

The ten workouts of this Pilates challenge will teach you how to activate each of your core muscles separately. Each workout will build upon what is learned the day prior. In this workout specifically, we will focus on pelvic stability for a stronger core as I teach you the beginnings of how to build a solid core foundation.


Download Your FREE Course Guide + Workout Calendar

Download your Free PDF Workout Calendar and easily access the Daily Workouts inside the Online Course Guide with Progress Tracker.



Download Your FREE Course Guide + Workout Calendar

Download your Free PDF Workout Calendar and easily access the Daily Workouts inside the Online Course Guide with Progress Tracker.

For Day 3 Workout of the Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge, we’re developing core endurance and inner strength with a Daily Pilates Flow Workout. Our primary focus remains on perfecting alignment and optimizing our breathing techniques, all the while boosting core and ab endurance and mastering essential principles. So, let’s dive in and get our bodies moving in this Pilates Sequence Workout!

Pilates Flow for Core Endurance

A Pilates flow offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits, making it a popular choice for those seeking to improve their overall health and fitness.

Pilates flow for core endurance focuses on strengthening the core muscles and increasing their endurance through a series of controlled movements. Core endurance is crucial for maintaining stability, improving posture, and supporting your spine.

Perform this Day 3 Pilates Flow Workout regularly to build core endurance. As you progress, you can increase the number of repetitions and the durations of movements to continue challenging your core muscles. Always maintain proper form and listen to your body to avoid overexertion.

Benefits of a Daily Pilates Flow Workout

A daily Pilates flow workout can offer numerous benefits for your overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key reasons why a daily Pilates practice can be important:

  1. Consistent Improvement — Daily practice allows you to build on your skills and consistently improve your technique. It reinforces good movement patterns and helps you progress more rapidly.
  2. Mind-Body ConnectionDaily Pilates fosters a strong mind-body connection. Over time, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of your body, movement patterns, and muscle engagement.
  3. Stress ReductionPilates emphasizes controlled breathing and mindfulness. A daily practice can help reduce stress levels, improve mental clarity, and promote relaxation.
  4. Increased EnergyRegular Pilates practice can boost energy levels by enhancing circulation, oxygenation, and overall vitality.
  5. Weight ManagementWhile Pilates is not primarily a weight loss program, daily practice can complement a balanced diet and cardio exercise, contributing to improved metabolism and weight management.
  6. Flexibility — Daily Pilates sessions include a range of stretches and movements that promote flexibility. Enhanced flexibility can lead to greater ease of movement, reduced muscle tension, and improved joint range of motion.
  7. Long-Term HealthConsistent daily practice can provide long-term benefits, helping you maintain a strong, flexible, and balanced body as you age, which can reduce the risk of age-related issues and injuries.
  8. Customization — You can tailor your daily Pilates flow to address your specific goals and needs, making it a versatile and adaptable practice.

Pilates Flow for Beginners FAQ

What is a Pilates flow?

A Pilates flow, sometimes referred to as a Pilates sequence or Pilates routine, is a series of exercises performed in a specific order to create a continuous and fluid movement pattern. These sequences are designed to target various muscle groups, promote flexibility, improve core strength, and enhance overall body awareness and control. Pilates flows for beginners typically consist of a series of exercises that are performed in a fluid sequence to help beginners get acquainted with the foundational principles of Pilates.

How to create a Pilates flow?

Pilates flows are a fundamental aspect of Pilates practice and are often used to create a balanced and comprehensive workout. Creating a Pilates flow involves designing a sequence of Pilates exercises that flow smoothly from one to the next, targeting different muscle groups, and aligning it with your fitness goals.

A Pilates flow typically follows a logical progression, starting with exercises that warm up the body and engage the core muscles and then gradually increase in intensity and complexity. First, determine your fitness goals and the focus of your Pilates flow. Then, select a variety of Pilates exercises that align with your set goals and cover different focus areas such as core, glutes, arms, legs, flexibility, balance, etc. After you choose your exercises, decide how many repetitions and sets you’ll perform for each. Arrange your chosen exercises in a logical sequence, generally starting with a warmup and progressing to more challenging exercises, and finishing with a cool-down or stretching routine.

Remember that Pilates is a highly adaptable practice and you are able to customize your flow to meet your specific needs. Also, consider working with a certified Pilates instructor for expertise, guidance, and safety, making your Pilates experience more enjoyable and effective. Whether you’re new to Pilates or looking to advance your practice, working with a certified instructor can help you achieve your fitness goals while minimizing the risk of injury.

What is the order of Pilates exercises?

There is a traditional sequence of 34 exercises known as the “Pilates Matwork Order”, which was developed by Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates method. This sequence is often used as a basis for many Pilates workouts and serves as a starting point for creating Pilates flows.

Joseph Pilates insisted on performing the 34 exercises in the exact order (as outlined and fully-demonstrated in my March MATness blog post) adhering closely to the provided instructions without any deviation. He stressed the significance of mastering the mind-body connection in Pilates, stating that “Contrology begins with mind control over muscles” and is “the complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit.”

Please note that while this traditional order of 34 Pilates exercises provides a structured framework for a Pilates mat workout, certified Pilates instructors often customize sequences to suit their students’ needs and goals. Additionally, there are many variations and modifications of these exercises to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities.

This Pilates Flow routine is a fantastic addition to your daily Pilates at-home workout that will improve your core strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. This workout is designed to be done in the comfort of your home or on-the-go with no equipment, only an exercise mat.

Remember to listen to your body and modify exercises as needed, especially if you’re new to Pilates or dealing with any physical limitations. If possible, consider consulting with a certified Pilates instructor (like me!) to ensure you’re performing exercises correctly and to receive personalized guidance on your Pilates flow routine.

Workout Equipment

Other than a Pilates mat, this is a no equipment workout!

A good quality Pilates mat will help you to stay comfortable with thick cushion support and the right amount of grip to flow between exercises during your workout.

Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!


Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!

Workout Instructions

Follow along with the guided Beginner Pilates Daily Flow YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner

Duration: 13-Minute Workout


  • Learning the Pilates C-Curve and Pilates Scoop
  • Building a Pilates Foundational Flow

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

11 Best Pilates Exercises for Beginners At-Home

Pilates C-Curve Exercise + Pilates Roll Ups Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do C-Curve

  1. Start seated upright with your hands behind your bent knees, feet hip-width flat on the floor.
  2. Exhale, scoop lower tummy muscles in creating space between belly and thighs, slightly tucking the pelvis.
  3. Inhale, sitting up tall on your sitz bones. Repeat 5 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates C-Curve Exercise and Roll Ups Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


How to Do C-Curve and Roll Ups

  1. Inhale, move through C-Curve rolling back towards your tailbone until arms are straight.
  2. Exhale, roll up to seated using your core muscles.
  3. Repeat 5-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates C-Curve Exercise and Roll Ups Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pilates Core Breathing Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Iso-Abs Breathing

  1. Start reclined on your back with knees bent and feet down hip width apart.
  2. Place your hand in a diamond shape on your abdomen with your thumbs over your naval and fingers above your pubic bone.
  3. Inhale, filling up around the diamond into the sides of your body, back and chest.
  4. Exhale, zip up from the bottom point of the diamond to the center of the diamond and to the top of the diamond.
  5. Repeat the breathing 5 times while thinking about keeping the diamond zipped and a slight scoop in your lower abdomen.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Iso-Abs Breathing Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pilates Clockwork Exercise

Targets: Abdominal muscles individually and mind-body connection.


How to Do Pilates Clockwork

  1. On your exercise mat, begin by laying down with your peace fingers placed on your upper abs. In this exercise, think of your upper abs as ’12:00’ on a clock face, your lower abs as ‘6:00’, your right obliques as ‘3:00’, and your left obliques as ‘9:00’.
  2. Begin to activate only your upper abs at ’12:00’, without activating your lower abs and obliques at ‘3:00’, ‘6:00’, and ‘9:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  3. Next, activate only your right obliques at ‘3:00’, without activating your upper abs and lower abs at ’12:00’ and ‘6:00’, and obliques at ‘9:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  4. Then, activate only your lower abs at ‘6:00’, without activating your upper abs and obliques at ’12:00’, ‘3:00’, and ‘9:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  5. Finally, activate only your left obliques at ‘9:00’, without activating your upper abs and lower abs at ’12:00’ and ‘6:00’, and obliques at ‘3:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  6. Continue to individually activate the upper abs, lower abs, and left and right obliques by going around the “clock” a few times. Then, try to remove your hands and repeat steps 1 – 6 again.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Clockwork Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Targets: Lower abs and pelvic mobility to lengthen the lower back.


How to Do Pelvic Tilt

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. As you exhale, tip your pelvis, as if you are bringing your pubic bone towards your naval. Try to flatten your low back and “imprint” your spine, engaging your transverse abs.
  3. Inhale as you begin to slowly articulate your spine, roll back down one vertebrae at a time, and tilt your pelvis forward again as you return back to your neutral spine
  4. Repeating 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pelvic Tilt Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!
* For more information on the Pelvic Tilt Exercise, read my Best Pilates Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain with Free PDF Guide blog post.

Neck Imprinting Exercise

Targets: Inner core, mind-body connection.

How to Do Neck Imprinting

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. Inhale with your neck in a neutral position.
  3. Exhale, tuck your chin to your chest (without lifting the head) and gently drawn the back of your head into the mat as if someone is pressing on your forehead and hold for a 3 count. Being mindful not to arch the back off the mat.
  4. Inhale, release to neutral, and repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Neck Imprinting Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift)

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. Exhale, tuck your chin towards your chest and begin to lift your head off the mat using your abdominal muscles while you glide your hands forward and off the mat to hover.
  3. Inhale, return the head back to neutral.
  4. Repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Knee Spreads and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise

Targets: Pelvic floor, lower core, glutes, inner thighs.


How to Do Knee Spreads

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in imprinted spine position (engaged core muscles and the small of your back is connected to the mat), knees bent and feet together on the floor.
  2. Inhale spread the knees wide like a butterfly, maintaining imprint, while lightly pressing bottoms of feet together.
  3. Exhale drawing the knee back together using the core, pelvic floor and inner thighs.
  4. Repeat 5-8 times.
  5. Hold Knee Spread and move into Head Nod & Curl (Chest Lift) repeating 5-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Knee Spreads + Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Toe Taps Exercise

Targets: Deep core, pelvic floor.


How to Do Toe Taps

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent in table top.
  2. Inhale tap right toes to the floor by moving from the hip.
  3. Exhale draw right knee back into table top.
  4. Repeat on the left – Alternating for 10 total taps.

* For a live demonstration of the Toe Taps Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pilates Hundred Exercise

Targets: Abdominal muscles, cardiovascular system.

How to Do the Pilates Hundred

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent in table top.
  2. Head Nod and Curl Up contracting the upper abdominals while reaching your arms long at your sides. Your lower back should stay in contact with the mat..
  3. Begin vigorously pumping up and down by your side. Make sure your fingers, hands and arms are straight inline. Inhale for 5 breath counts in sync with your arm pumping. Then exhale for 5 breath counts in sync with your arm pumping. Immediately continue to repeat this for 10 sets or until you reach 100 arm pumps!

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Hundred Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!
* To see 3 different versions of this exercise, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced, watch my Pilates Hundred YouTube Video and also check out my How to Do the Pilates Hundred Exercise blog post.

Glute Bridge Exercise

Targets: Core, Glutes and stabilizes pelvis.

How to Do Glute Bridge

  1. Begin laying on your back, palms down and arms long by your sides. Knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, pressing heels firmly into the floor.
  2. Inhale. Exhale to raise hips up until you create a straight line from knees, hips to shoulders.
  3. Press arms back to goal post position by squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  4. Inhale, lower hips down and return pelvis to the mat. Repeating 8-10 times

* For a live demonstration of the Glute Bridge Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Side to Side Squeeze Exercise

Targets: Obliques


How to Do Side to Side Squeeze

  1. Begin in your chest lift with knees bent together in table top.
  2. Exhale as you contract your right obliques reaching your right arm forward. Keep knees and pelvis still.
  3. Inhale return to chest lift at center.
  4. Exhale as you contract your left obliques reaching your right arm forward. Keep knees and pelvis still.
  5. Inhale return to chest lift at center and repeat 3 each side.

* For a live demonstration of the Side to Side Squeeze Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


FREE Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge Workout Program

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork in just 15-minutes a day.

If you liked this Beginner Pilates Core Breathing & Pilates Basics workout at home, download the FREE 10-Day Beginner Pilates Core + Ab Workout Plan.

Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos


Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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