Learn how to breathe into your core by mastering basic Pilates breathing techniques. This workout features seven Pilates breathing exercises for beginners that target the transverse abdominis muscle (TVA) for deep core activation. In addition, you will learn proper head, neck and spinal alignment in core exercises for effective Pilates at home workouts.


10-Minute Beginner Pilates Core Breathing & Pilates Basics Workout (Day 1)

Learn how to breathe into your core by mastering basic Pilates breathing techniques. This workout features seven Pilates breathing exercises for beginners that target the transverse abdominis muscle (TVA) for deep core activation. In addition, you will learn proper head, neck and spinal alignment in core exercises for effective Pilates at home workouts.

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This is DAY 1 of our Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly Pilates workout to help improve your core strength and breathing, then look no further! This at home Pilates workout is perfect for learning the basics and features 3-D core breathing techniques to help you start getting connected to your core.

The ten workouts of this Pilates challenge will teach you how to activate each of your core muscles separately. Each workout will build upon what is learned the day prior. In this workout specifically, we will focus on breathing into the core as I teach you the beginnings of how to build a solid core foundation.


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Download your Free PDF Workout Calendar and easily access the Daily Workouts inside the Online Course Guide with Progress Tracker.



Download Your FREE Course Guide + Workout Calendar

Download your Free PDF Workout Calendar and easily access the Daily Workouts inside the Online Course Guide with Progress Tracker.

Day 1 Workout of the Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge is all about core breathing and mastering the Pilates breathing techniques. We are going to be tapping into our inner core muscle where all the magic happens (the deep transverse abdominis muscle) with three-dimensional breathing.

In addition, we will also be perfecting proper head, neck, and spinal alignment in order to connect to our abdominal muscles. If you ever feel your neck stressed while doing ab workouts, it is probably because you are working your neck muscles too much and not your core muscles enough. I will teach you how to properly lift your head with your abs.

Let’s get moving!

Pilates Core Breathing for Beginners

This is your first step towards building a solid Pilates foundation! You’ll learn how to properly breathe three-dimensionally through your core while keeping your core zipped up. Start by going inward to create your mind-body connection with these four mindful techniques.

Pilates Basics for Beginners

Defined ab muscles go much deeper than just the superficial burn. If you have been performing intense ab workouts without getting desired results, you may not be engaging your deep transverse abdominal muscles correctly. This workout will bring you back to the Pilates basics to help activate your deep core muscles and rebuild a strong core foundation.

Your core muscles are made up of so much more than your “six-pack” abs and obliques. Core muscles wrap all the way around your body and include the:

  • Transverse Abdominis (inner core muscles)
  • Rectus Abdominis (outer core muscles)
  • Pelvic Floor Muscles
  • Erector Spinae
  • Lumbar Muscles (lower back)
  • Quadratus Lumborum (deep portion)
  • Gluteus Maximus

Pilates basics also include proper head, neck and spinal alignment. Without proper body alignment, you cannot connect to your core effectively. Have you ever felt intense neck pain while performing ab workouts or crunches? You’re not alone. This workout will teach you how to lift the weight of your head using your core muscles instead of your neck muscles.


Pilates Breathing for Beginners FAQ

What is the difference between yoga breathing and Pilates breathing?

Pilates breathing has many different names. You may have heard it called “Three-Dimensional (3D) Breathing”, “Ribcage Breathing”, or even “Core Breathing”. The idea behind Pilates breathing is that you’re keeping your core muscles engaged while you inhale (which is challenging!) so that your breath has to go elsewhere other than the belly. Thus making it feel like you’re breathing more laterally into the sides, chest, and back of your body and also where the term 3D Breathing comes from. In order to master the art of breathwork, it requires you to use the Pilates principle of concentration.

Yoga breathing is generally called “Belly Breathing”. The inhale comes in through the nose expanding the belly, and the exhale will move out through the nose contracting the belly. According to MedFit Network, “Yoga breathing helps to engage the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms us when we are in “fight or flight mode.” This promotes the relaxation response and allows muscles to lengthen, stretch and relax as it oxygenates the blood.”

How do you breathe when doing Pilates?

As a certified Pilates instructor, breathwork is always the first aspect of Pilates that I teach my clients. It is the most important aspect of the practice. Once you get the breathing right, it will really amplify your Pilates workouts.

To breathe while doing Pilates, inhale through your nose while expanding your ribs out to the side. Exhale through your mouth as you pull the ribs back together, zipping up the lower core. Your breath should feel like you’re creating a natural corset in your waist.

“To breathe correctly squeeze every atom of air from your lungs until they are almost as free of air as is a vacuum.” – Joseph Pilates

How does Pilates strengthen your core?

Pilates strengthens your core by beginning with Pilates breathwork. Breathwork in itself is a challenging core exercise, which is why it is so important to master breathing first! Pilates teaches you how to engage your deep core muscles called your transverse abdominis. These deeper abdominal muscles work to protect your center and stabilize your back.


This workout combines the best beginner low-impact Pilates exercises and breathing exercises to target deep core activation of the transverse abdominis muscle (TVA). It is designed to be done in the comfort of your home or on-the-go with no equipment, only an exercise mat.

Workout Equipment

Other than a Pilates mat, this is a no equipment workout!

A good quality Pilates mat will help you to stay comfortable with thick cushion support and the right amount of grip to flow between exercises during your workout.

Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!


Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!

Workout Instructions

Follow along with the guided Pilates for Beginners Core Breathing & Pilates Basics YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner

Duration: 10-Minute Workout


  • Core Pilates Breathing
  • Inner Core (Transverse Abdominal) Activation
  • Proper Head and Neck Alignment in Pilates Core Exercises

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

7 Best Pilates Breathing Exercises for Beginners

Iso-Abs Breathing Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Iso-Abs Breathing

  1. Start reclined on your back with knees bent and feet down hip-width apart.
  2. Place your hand in a diamond shape on your abdomen with your thumbs over your naval and fingers above your pubic bone.
  3. Inhale filling up around the diamond into the sides of your body, back and chest.
  4. Exhale zip up from the bottom point of the diamond to the center of the diamond and to the top of the diamond.
  5. Repeat the breathing 5 times while thinking about keeping the diamond zipped and a slight scoop in your lower abdomen.

* For a live demonstration of the Iso-Abs Breathing Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pilates Clockwork Exercise

Targets: Abdominal muscles individually and mind-body connection.


How to Do Pilates Clockwork

  1. On your exercise mat, begin by laying down with your peace fingers placed on your upper abs and on your lower abs. In this exercise, think of your upper abs as ’12:00’ on a clock face, and your lower abs as ‘6:00’.
  2. Begin to activate only your upper abs at ’12:00’, without activating your lower abs at ‘6:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  3. Then, activate only your lower abs at ‘6:00’, without activating your upper abs at ’12:00’. Hold for 3 seconds and release.
  4. Continue to individually activate the upper and lower abs, going back and forth a few times. Then, try to remove your hands and repeat steps 1 – 4 again.

* For more information, read my Pilates Principle of Concentration and the Clockwork Exercise blog post.
* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Clockwork Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Targets: Lower abs and pelvic mobility to lengthen the lower back.


How to Do Pelvic Tilt

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. As you exhale, tip your pelvis, as if you are bringing your pubic bone towards your naval. Try to flatten your low back and “imprint” your spine, engaging your transverse abs.
  3. Inhale as you begin to slowly articulate your spine, roll back down one vertebrae at a time, and tilt your pelvis forward again as you return back to your neutral spine.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

* For more information on the Pelvic Tilt Exercise, read my Best Pilates Exercises to Reduce Lower Back Pain with Free PDF Guide blog post.
* For a live demonstration of the Pelvic Tilt Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Spinal Imprinting Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Spinal Imprinting

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. Exhale and begin to draw the core muscles together and up while feeling the spine imprint into the mat.
  3. Inhale keeping the zipping up of the lower core breathing though the side and back of the body.
  4. Exhale again, repeating 5 rounds of breath.

* For a live demonstration of the Spinal Imprinting Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Neck Imprinting Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Neck Imprinting

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. Inhale with your neck in a neutral position.
  3. Exhale tuck your chin to your chest (without lifting the head) and gently drawn the back of your head into the mat as if someone is pressing on your forehead and hold for a 3 count. Being mindful not to arch the back off the mat.
  4. Inhale release to neutral and repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Neck Imprinting Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise

Targets: Inner Core, Mind-Body Connection.


How to Do Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift)

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. Exhale tuck your chin towards your chest and begin to lift your head off the mat using your abdominal muscles while you glide your hands forward and off the mat to hover.
  3. Inhale return the head back to neutral.
  4. Repeat 5-8 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Head Nod and Curl (Chest Lift) Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Shoulder Bridge Exercise

Targets: Core, Glutes and Stabilizes Pelvis.


How to Do Shoulder Bridge

  1. Begin laying on your back, palms down and arms long by your sides.
  2. Begin with your knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, pressing heels firmly into the floor.
  3. Inhale. Exhale to raise hips up until you create a straight line from knees, hips to shoulders.
  4. Press arms back to goal post position by squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  5. Inhale lower hips down and return pelvis to the mat. Repeating 8-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Shoulder Bridge Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


FREE Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge Workout Program

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork in just 15-minutes a day.

If you liked this Beginner Pilates Core Breathing & Pilates Basics workout at home, download the FREE 10-Day Beginner Pilates Core + Ab Workout Plan.

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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