
5 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Prioritize Yourself PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor coach long lake minnesota minneapolis usa 5

5 Ways to Practice Self-Love and Prioritize Yourself

What is Self-Love? We’ve probably all heard the quote, “To love others, you must love yourself first”. Or this saying very similar, “Love yourself first, because it’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with.” But what does loving yourself really entail? How,...
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How to Listen to Your Body and What It Really Means With 4 Mindful Techniques PILATES BODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa4

How to Listen to Your Body and What It Really Means: With 4 Mindful Techniques

We’ve all heard our personal trainer, fitness friend, yoga or Pilates teacher say, “Just make sure you listen to your body in today’s workout!”… Heck! This is a phrase I say in almost every Pilates studio session or online Pilates class I teach. But what...
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5 Daily Pilates Core Moves in 5 Minutes Pregnancy Friendly Video Demonstration PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota

5 Daily Pilates Core Moves in 5-Minutes (Pregnancy Friendly): With Video Demonstration

Here are my 5 Daily Pilates Core Moves in 5 Minutes (Pregnancy Friendly) that keep my core in shape during pregnancy. I recommend doing these exercises regularly, pregnant or not. Doing this 5-minute regiment 4 to 5 days a week will shape your core during...
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3 Ways to Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core

What are our core muscles? When we think of the core muscles, we immediately think of the abdominals. However, our core is made up of so much more than that! Our core includes the muscles of the abdominals, low back, pelvic, and glutes. Today, I...
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5 Tips for Perfecting the Pilates Criss Cross Exercise: With Video Demonstration

One of the most common core exercises is the Pilates “Criss Cross”, also known as the “Bicycle Crunch”. This exercise is highly underrated because it is often done incorrectly. Our main goal for performing this exercise is to bring emphasis to the internal and external...
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3 Tips for Targeting Your Lower Abs: With Video Demonstration

“How do I target my lower abs?” is one of the top questions I am asked while teaching Pilates ab work. The lower abs is a common area of the body where fat is stored. It is a tough area to isolate and engage, especially...
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