
Diastasis Recti What It is and How to Assess Prevent and Heal It PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa-5

Diastasis Recti: What It Is, and How to Assess, Prevent, and Heal It

Diastasis Recti (DR) is a common injury that occurs mainly during pregnancy and affects the core. Many people also refer to Diastasis Recti as “abdominal separation” or “stomach gap”. During pregnancy, our rectus abdominis, the outer layer of ab muscles, have to stretch apart to...
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3 Ways to Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core

What are our core muscles? When we think of the core muscles, we immediately think of the abdominals. However, our core is made up of so much more than that! Our core includes the muscles of the abdominals, low back, pelvic, and glutes. Today, I...
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How Pilates Transforms Your Body From the Core Out

Pilates is a system of low-impact exercises designed to move your body from the core out – improving upon strength, endurance, stability and flexibility. This system of movement was devised by Joseph Pilates, in which his original work became known as “Contrology.” Pilates originated with...
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