3 Ways to Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core

What are our core muscles? When we think of the core muscles, we immediately think of the abdominals. However, our core is made up of so much more than that! Our core includes the muscles of the abdominals, low back, pelvic, and glutes. Today, I want to share with you how to improve your health by strengthening your core muscles.


What Are Our Core Muscles?

When we think of the core muscles, we immediately think of the abdominals. However, our core is made up of so much more than that! Our core includes the muscles of the abdominals, low back, pelvic, and glutes. Today, I want to share with you how to improve your health by strengthening your core muscles.


What Do Our Core Muscles Do?

Core muscles as a whole help to stabilize your body, improve your posture, and allow your skeletal structure to move properly. When any of the core muscles become weak, or do not fire, the body experiences instability that can make our movement patterns unbalanced. As a result, compensation and injury can occur, most commonly in the back and neck muscles. Sometimes, this can lead to poor posture, fatigue, and/or pain.


How Can I Strengthen My Core?

With Pilates, of course! However, if you are experiencing pain, it is important to seek assistance from a trained professional to determine where the pain is rooted and what is causing it. They will also determine which of your muscles must be strengthened in order to correct the pain / weakness. Furthermore, strengthening the weak muscles this will help to avoid future injury.


Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core

Whether you are feeling pain in your back, neck, shoulders, legs, or overall muscle tightness, Pilates can help strengthen your core to relieve your pain. With Pilates, you will correct posture, movement, and strengthen areas of your body that may be causing your pain, while also lengthening and stretching them at the same time. Pilates is designed to be catered to the body with guidance instructed by trained professional. Pilates is essentially a treatment plan of individualized exercises aimed toward specific needs.

3 Ways to Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core

Here are a few tips for how you can begin to improve your health with Pilates on your own:

  1. Improve Posture – Simply becoming more aware of how we carry our bodies throughout the day can significantly improve our posture. This starts with addressing sitting. Make sure to stand frequently, and incorporate the “20:20:20 Rule”. Stand every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, and take a minimum of 20 steps. Address your posture in a seated environment, whether this be at your desk or in a car. Check your ergonomics and make sure you have adequate lumbar support.
  2. Avoid Injury – Make sure you know the proper way to lift, pick up objects, and bend. Even if things are not heavy, we want to lift with our legs (not our backs) whenever possible. When in doubt, squat!
  3. Get Expert Help – The best solution for back or neck injuries is to always consult a professional to address the injury and then heal it by restoring proper movement and strength. Kayla at PILATESBODY by Kayla is always addressing proper movement patterns and helping her clients improve their complete core strength to relieve pain and improve overall health. Whether you work with her privately or virtually though her Pilates Programs or PILATESBODY On-Demand App, you’ll be sure to see and feel the results and benefits Pilates can have on the body and mind!

Did you try them?

If you tried my 3 Ways to Improve Your Health by Strengthening Your Core, tell me how they went! Did you notice a difference? I would love to hear from you!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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