In this workout video, I’ll guide you through my favorite Pilates stretches that helped me in my early breastfeeding months. These gentle exercises for breastfeeding moms are designed to strengthen the upper back and alleviate the common discomforts of neck, shoulder, and back pain that can accompany the postpartum journey. Stick around until the end of this workout video because I’m also going to share with you 1 BONUS Pilates at home exercise using the stability ball.


7 Pilates Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms to Relieve Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain

In this workout video, I’ll guide you through my favorite Pilates stretches that helped me in my early breastfeeding months. These gentle exercises for breastfeeding moms are designed to strengthen the upper back and alleviate the common discomforts of neck, shoulder, and back pain that can accompany the postpartum journey. Stick around until the end of this workout video because I’m also going to share with you 1 BONUS Pilates at home exercise using the stability ball.

This post includes affiliate links. I do earn a commission for products purchased using these links (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting PILATESBODY by Kayla, making the content you see on this blog possible.

Hey Pilates Mama!

I’m Kayla Brugger, your certified Pilates instructor. I’m guessing you’re here because you are a new mama — Congratulations! But, you’re also probably experiencing some upper back, neck, and shoulder pain. I want to share with you my Top 7 Pilates Exercises and Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms to Relieve Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain that helped me tremendously in those early newborn months. And, you’ll want to stick around until the end of this workout video because I’m also going to share with you 1 BONUS Pilates at home exercise using the stability ball.


Pilates Stretches and Exercises for Breastfeeding Mothers

Breastfeeding is one of the beautiful ways a mother can feed and nourish her baby. It provides everything your little one needs to grow in those first five to six months, and longer. Breastfeeding develops an undeniable bond between mother and baby in those tough and challenging postnatal times. Also, nursing increases a baby’s immunity, helps with their gut health, and the list goes on.

However, breastfeeding your baby on-demand 8 to 12 times a day (plus any pumping sessions) takes a toll on your body and can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain. In this blog post, I am going to give you 7 Pilates Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms to Relieve Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain that you can do at home or on-the-go.


When Breastfeeding Becomes a “Pain in your Neck”

Nursing may be one of the best things for your littles one’s health, but it isn’t always easy. Motherhood leaves you susceptible to so many aches and pains, and some of which come from breastfeeding. According to Chiro For Moms, “With the constant holding and carrying of babies, neck muscles become tight. This can cause spinal misalignments leading to nerve pain or just general soreness + tension in these areas! Because there is often nerve involvement, it’s not uncommon for postpartum neck pain to progress to mommy shoulder pain.”

These pains you may feel in your neck can put a great deal of stress on you physically and emotionally whether you are in the newborn stage or if you have an older baby.

Breastfeeding Pain While Doing Daily Tasks

You and your baby may find yourselves in many different breastfeeding positions seated, standing, or laying down. Once nursing is over, you will most likely find yourself rocking your little one in a standing or seated position to comfort them into sleep. For hours a day, if you don’t take notice, you may be slouching, hunched over, arching your back, or bending your neck while nursing and rocking. Even though our babies seem so small, they quickly become heavy and start to take a toll on our posture, back and neck!

Breastfeeding Pain While Comforting Your Baby

As you get deeper into motherhood, you may even find yourself with a kink in your neck, shoulders or back from trying to accomplish daily tasks (like trying to cook dinner) while at the same time also nursing your baby who is hungry or in need of comfort – this is something I am currently experiencing. Holding your baby to breastfeed takes a lot of effort, especially when our bodies are healing and often deteriorating due to lack of movement and sleep.

Bad Breastfeeding Posture Habits

All of this on-demand nursing while we are tired and worn out can lead to body posture compensation in order to be comfortable and get the job done. Chiro For Moms reminds you to Change Up Your Nursing Positions and states, “Breastfeeding or bottle feeding an infant takes a toll on postpartum upper backs and necks. You are often fixed in “twisted” positions for long periods of time trying to feed and not paying attention to proper body mechanics.”

Nursing your baby around the clock can eventually form bad breastfeeding posture habits. Here are some examples of bad breastfeeding posture habits:

  • You may find yourself slouching more to bring the breast to baby, instead of using supportive pillows to prop baby upwards to bring baby to your breast.
  • You are constantly looking down at your baby with a bent neck to check their latch (and also, who doesn’t want to stare at their baby 24/7?)
  • If you’re laying down on your side to nurse, you may find yourself arching your back, or popping out your ribs, to bring the breast to your baby.

Over time, these bad breastfeeding posture habits will add up to body pain. There are many treatments to avoid or reduce pain like chiropractor, massage, and acupuncture, but generally these treatments are expensive and require you to leave home and that isn’t so simple or convenient with a baby. Postnatal Pilates at home can be an inexpensive way to help you find the most effective breastfeeding stretches for new moms.

Breastfeeding Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain FAQ

What is “Nursing Mothers Neck”?

Nursing Mothers Neck refers to the strain on a mother’s neck (shoulders and back) brought on by looking downward at their baby while they are feeding them. The pain normally resembles a burning sensation, tingling, or numbness along the neck, across the shoulders and shoulder blades, and down the back.

Breastfeeding sessions are very frequent and can last anywhere from 5 – 45 minutes. Sitting in a forward-flexed posture for that long, many times per day, places stress on the muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the back of the neck, leading to inflammation and discomfort. Fortunately, there are strategies (and Pilates exercises) to ease this discomfort and ensure a more pleasant nursing experience. Prioritize good breastfeeding posture, utilize supportive pillows for better positioning (see below for the two I recommend), and consider seeking guidance from a lactation consultant to make your breastfeeding journey as comfortable as possible.

I personally used the My Breast Friend Deluxe Nursing Pillow religiously during both of my breastfeeding journeys! I highly recommend it for the support it provides for both mom and baby, the soft and washable slip cover, and the very convenient pocket that can hold burp cloths, snacks, a water bottle, or other nursing necessities. I also recommend the Momcozy Nursing Pillow for Breastfeeding as another great supportive nursing pillow. I hope you find a pillow that you and baby love!

What is the best breastfeeding position?

I highly recommend working with a certified Lactation Specialist to first be sure your baby is latching correctly. Working with a Lactation Consultant can also give you the support and knowledge you need to help you feel confident in your breastfeeding journey. A specialist can help assist you and your baby into different nursing positions to find what works best and feels best for both you and baby. Here are 11 of the best breastfeeding positions for you to try and find out what you and your little one love the best: 11 Different Breastfeeding Positions by Medela.

What medication can I take to relieve back and neck pain while breastfeeding?

I highly recommend seeking out physical movement and alternative options first before using medications. This is so you can get to the root cause of your pain and fix the issue at hand so you can continue to nurse pain-free throughout your postpartum journey. With being said, according to The New York City Parents’ Guide to Breastfeeding, “Most prescribed and over-the-counter medications are safe to take when breastfeeding. However, there are some medications (including some birth control pills and herbal remedies) that should not be used by people who are breastfeeding. Speak with your health care provider about any medications you take to be certain that they are safe to take when breastfeeding.”

Is Pilates good for new moms?

Pilates might be one of the best places you can start your postpartum fitness journey. Pilates will help you reconnect to your new body, develop your mind-body connection, core breathing, and ab recovery.

How soon after having baby can I do Pilates?

Pilates can be started as soon as you feel ready. Yes, this means you can begin before the 6 week check up IF you feel your body is ready for very gentle movement, stretching, and breathwork. However, if you have reservations or health concerns, consult with your doctor first. I recommend being very mindful with starting movement and working with a pelvic floor physical therapist or postnatal specialist if you are unsure where to begin.

What is the best workout for breastfeeding moms?

Workouts focusing on correcting posture, strengthening the upper back muscles, and stretching the neck and shoulders will greatly improve your breastfeeding journey — like this workout! I highly recommend incorporating Pilates workouts that focus on breathwork and relaxation to help calm the mind and relax the body well during this very stressful and exhausting season!


How to Avoid and Reduce Neck Pain while Breastfeeding

Correct Your Posture

Be incredibly mindful of your posture when you are nursing. Postnatal Pilates at home can help make sure your body stays in good alignment when you are holding your baby in a standing or seated position. Postnatal Pilates at home can also help you find a neutral pelvis, so that you are sitting on your sitz bones, your ribs are centered over your pelvis and not popping out, and your spine remains long with its natural curves.

To achieve the best posture during breastfeeding, consider your preferred nursing position and your surroundings. Use breastfeeding pillows, rolled up swaddle blankets, or any other safe props that will help you bring your baby up to the breast. If you are bringing your body and breast down to the baby, you will be hunched over, leaning down, and compromising your posture while putting strain and pain on your neck and back.

By practicing postnatal Pilates at home, you will also help re-strengthen the upper back muscles for proper baby holding and carrying. You will need the strength and understanding of external shoulder rotation, as well as the reactivation of the upper back muscles to hold the shoulders down and back. Stretches for breastfeeding neck and back pain will help keep the head supported in its neutral position, and keep the shoulders down and away from your ears achieving that ideal body alignment.

Stretch to Relieve Pain and Tight Muscles

There are so many stretches that can help relieve breastfeeding back, neck, and shoulder pain. Stretching tight muscles after nursing, pumping, or napping is a wonderful way to reduce aches and pains. As you implement these 7 breastfeeding stretches for new moms, you’ll maintain soft, supple tissue and joints. It is recommended to start these stretches before your baby arrives to instill good stretching habits and continue them during the early postpartum weeks to avoid breastfeeding neck, back, and shoulder pain all together.

Make Time for Healing and Self Care

However, if you do find yourself with a serious pain in your neck weeks after giving birth, you are not alone. It is important to take time to heal and cultivate a time to care for yourself. Even just taking 5 minutes after a nursing session to stand up to breathe deeper and develop a daily postnatal Pilates at home routine. This is true regardless if you are freshly postpartum or a few years out because let’s face it – toddlers are heavy and the last thing we need is breastfeeding neck, back, or shoulder pain to stick around for years later. Taking care of yourself is a must!

17-Minute Pilates At-Home Workout

Best Stretches for Breastfeeding Mothers


If you are struggling with breastfeeding neck, shoulder, or back pain, here are 7 Postnatal Pilates at Home Stretches and Exercises for New Moms, or any stage of motherhood you may currently be in. Set your baby down in a safe place and take a moment for you and your self care!

We hope you try these 7 movements to offer you relief, and help you feel better in your neck, back, and shoulders. The idea is to feel like a weight has been lifted off your chest and shoulders (because, it literally has).

Workout Equipment

Other than a Pilates mat, this is a no equipment workout! However, the 1 BONUS exercise that I share with you at the end of the workout does utilize a stability ball.

* Click here to view all items featured in this workout blog. *

Shop My Stability Ball

One of my favorite pregnancy products! I used this exercise ball for both low-impact pregnancy exercises and for rocking during early labor at home. This stability ball comes in fun colors and many sizes.


Shop My Stability Ball

One of my favorite pregnancy products! I used this exercise ball for both low-impact pregnancy exercises and for rocking during early labor at home. This stability ball comes in fun colors and many sizes.

Workout Instructions

Follow along with the guided 7 Pilates Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms to Relieve Neck, Shoulder & Back Pain YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner

Duration: 17-Minute Workout


  • Strengthen and stretch the upper back, neck, and shoulders to alleviate common postpartum pains and discomforts from breastfeeding, holding, baby wearing, and carrying.
  • 7 Pilates Exercises for Breastfeeding Moms
  • 1 Bonus Stability Ball Exercise

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

7 Pilates Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms to Relieve Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain

Goal Post Arms Stretch Exercise

Targets: Stretches the chest, shoulders, and upper back.


How to Do Goal Post Arms Stretch

  1. Kneel or stand with legs hip width apart.
  2. Draw arms up to a goal post with a 90 degree bend at each elbow.
  3. Bring elbows forward in front of chest and shoulders (avoid coming completely together).
  4. Press arms back to goal post position by squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Goal Post Arms Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

How to Do Goal Post Pulses Stretch

  1. After goal post arms, add a “pulse back” by squeezing shoulder blades together and activating the upper back muscles.
  2. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Goal Post Pulse Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Scapula Retractions (The “W”) Stretch Exercise

Targets: Mobilizes the shoulders, and stretches the neck.

How to Do Scapula Retractions (The “W”) Stretch

  1. Kneel or stand with legs hip width apart.
  2. Raise arms overhead with biceps by ears.
  3. Retract arms and shoulders down making a “W” with your elbows. Think about drawing elbows slightly forward and pressing the forearm back.
  4. Concentrate on squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Scapula Retractions (The “W”) Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Cat & Cow Stretch Exercise

Targets: Mobilizes the spine, and engages the core.

How to Do Cat & Cow Stretch

  1. Find tabletop position with hands under shoulders on the floor and knees hip width apart.
  2. Inhale to drop your belly and gaze up.
  3. Exhale as you look down slowly rounding your back and tucking your tailbone under.
  4. The bigger the breath, and more expansive the move, the more open you’ll feel.
  5. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Cat & Cow Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Flight Extension Stretch Exercise

Targets: Mobilizes the shoulders, stretches the chest, and strengthens the upper back.


How to Do Flight Stretch

  1. Lie face down. Place arms alongside your body with palms up or down (try both).
  2. Shrug shoulders up to ears, begin to roll and pin shoulder blades back to open chest.
  3. Lift head, hands, and heart slightly keeping the neck long. Pause at the top.
  4. Completely release down to reset.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Flight Stretch Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Neck Imprints Stretch Exercise

Targets: Stretches the neck, and corrects posture.

How to Do Neck Imprints Stretch

  1. Stand up against a wall with your entire back and head touching the wall, or lie flat on the floor on your mat.
  2. Draw chin towards chest like you’re intentionally making a double chin.
  3. Gently press your head into the floor, or wall, as if you’re trying to close the gap behind the back of the neck. Pause and hold for 3 seconds.
  4. Release and begin again.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

* You can perform this stretch in a reclined position on your mat, or in a seated or standing position against the wall. Watch the workout video for guided instruction against the wall!
* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Neck Imprints Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Shoulder Bridge Stretch Exercise

Targets: Stretches the front of the body, and engages the hamstrings and glutes.


How to Do Shoulder Bridge Stretch

  1. Begin flat on your back, feet hip width apart and arms at your sides.
  2. Inhale as you lift your hips and chest to the sky using your glutes.
  3. Exhale to roll your spine down.
  4. Repeat 10 times. You can add the chest expansion stretch onto the last bridge by interlacing fingers under low back and wiggling shoulder together.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Shoulder Bridge Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Chest Expansion Stretch Exercise

Targets: Stretches the shoulders and chest.


How to Do Chest Expansion Stretch

  1. Interlace your hands behind your back, or use a towel to bridge a gap.
  2. Inhale deep into your chest looking up.
  3. Exhale as you fall forward letting your hands lift away from your back.
  4. Relax your head and breathe for 3 to 5 rounds.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Chest Expansion Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Stability Ball Supported Spinal Extension Stretch Exercise

Targets: Extends the spine, stretches the chest and shoulders.


How to Do Stability Ball Spinal Extension Stretch

  1. Sit on the stability ball and slowly walk your feet forward until your mid, upper back and neck are supported by the ball. Arms will be reaching up above the chest.
  2. Inhale reach the arms back by stretching them long and away from the body.
  3. Exhale return arms back above chest.
  4. Repeat 5 times. You can move into arm circles 5 each direction. TIP to sitting back up without using your abs. Remember they are still healing so I recommend avoiding major abdominal flexion in the early postpartum months. Drop your butt toward your heels, allow the ball to support you back upright, while placing your hands back on the ball to slowing bring your seat back up to the top of the ball.

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Stability Ball Spinal Extension Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


EcoWise Premium Exercise Mat


Trideer Heavy Duty Stability Ball


Gym People Tank & Legging Set


My Breast Friend Deluxe Nursing Pillow


Momcozy Breastfeeding Pillow


Momcozy S12 Wearable Breast Pump

Additional Postnatal Pilates Stretches for Breastfeeding Moms

Need more guidance? Here are 3 postnatal Pilates at home videos on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App to help with breastfeeding pains.

And the best part? You can enjoy 1 Month FREE of PILATESBODY On-Demand using the code FREETRIAL at checkout. Get unlimited access to Pilates workouts designed for treatment and pain management to help you relive your neck, shoulder, and back pain.

  • Neck & Back Relief Yoga #142
    Equipment: Exercise Mat, Foam Roller, Yoga Blocks
    Description: This 45-minute session focuses on releasing any tension or stress from the neck, shoulders, and upper, middle and lower back. Use equipment like a foam roller and yoga blocks to give yourself a variety of ways to relax the body and help relieve neck & back pain. You will leave this session feeling relaxed from head to toe!
  • New Parent Chest and Shoulder Stretch #128
    Equipment: Yoga Blocks, or a stack of books
    Description: When you are a new parent, or currently nursing a baby, your shoulders and back tend to be more rounded and hunched over. Amy created this yoga class to counteract that rounded motion to open up within the chest and shoulders. You will leave this class feeling lighter and more open.
  • Pilates Stretch Class #60
    Equipment: Exercise Mat
    Description: Kayla Brugger guides you through a 25-minute Pilates stretch and flow class focusing on spinal mobility. You can expect to touch on the 6 different directions the spine is designed to move: neutral, flexion, extension, axial extension, lateral, and rotation. Exploring spinal mobility in exercises like “down dog” and “tabletop” can feel much differently than while in a standing or seated position.

Have You Tried the 7 Pilates Stretches for Neck, Shoulder and Back Pain Yet?

Share your favorite stretches below in the comment section! If you haven’t tried any yet, I’d love to chat with you on how to start!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos


Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos

1 Response
  1. Mike

    I simply wanted to write down a quick word to say thanks to you for those wonderful tips and hints you are showing on this site.

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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