Do you know the health benefits of winter walking? Embracing the chill and stepping into the crisp air of a winter’s day can be beneficial for your mental and physical health so let’s embrace the ‘cold girl walks’. As the temperatures drop and the world around us transforms into a frosty wonderland, there’s a unique magic in bundling up and venturing out for a stroll. Beyond the initial shivers, these walks offer an array of unexpected benefits, from boosting mood and enhancing creativity to fostering a deeper connection with nature. Let’s lace up those boots and explore the myriad rewards, don’t have the right gear? We’ve got you covered!


Winter Wellness: Health Benefits of Winter Walking and Cold Girl Walks

Embracing the chill and stepping into the crisp air of a winter’s day can be invigorating, especially when it comes to the often-overlooked joys of ‘Cold Girl Walks.’ As the temperatures drop and the world around us transforms into a frosty wonderland, there’s a unique magic in bundling up and venturing out for a stroll. Beyond the initial shivers, these walks offer an array of unexpected benefits, from boosting mood and enhancing creativity to fostering a deeper connection with nature. Let’s lace up those boots and explore the myriad rewards waiting to be discovered during these chilly escapades. Check out my 20-Minute Outdoor Walking Workout for Weight Loss and my Top Winter Walking Gear!


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What are Cold Girl Walks in the Winter?

Cold Girl Walks is a term that has been made popular by social media and one I use to make walking in the winter just a little bit more enjoyable. We all know that getting outside is important and as someone living in Minnesota where it gets not just cold, but very cold, it can be hard to convince yourself to get outside. So what is a cold girl walk? It’s as simple as the name, getting outside and walking in the winter. Picture this – it’s a chilly afternoon, and you’ve got your favorite hat on and ear bud in your ear listening to your favorite podcast. That, my friend, is the essence of a “Cold Girl Walk.” It’s not just a stroll; it’s a moment to embrace the crisp air, the warmth of your favorite scarf, and the joy of spending quality time outdoors away from the hustle and bustle. Need a little inspiration to make that walk more effective or want to know my favorite cold girl walk gear? Check it out below. 

Why Walking Outdoors Is Important

Understanding why walking is important extends beyond its simplicity as an activity. Walking serves as a cornerstone for holistic health, offering a number of benefits that impact both physical and mental well-being. From weight management and cardiovascular health, to stress reduction and mood enhancement, the significance of walking cannot be overstated. Engaging in regular walks not only promotes fitness but also boosts energy levels, improves sleep quality, and enhances overall vitality. Exploring the outdoors on foot or incorporating brisk walks into daily routines fosters a healthier lifestyle. Discover why walking is crucial and how it contributes to a balanced and active existence.


Walking Improves Body Confidence

While the exercise of walking may not completely change body confidence, it is considered to be a crucial component of a holistic approach to improving how one feels about their body. Combining regular walks with self-care practices, positive affirmations, and a supportive environment can significantly boost body confidence over time. According to a study done by, the Medical University of Silesia, in Katowice, Poland, and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) in the U.K., it was found that spending a short amount of time in nature—in this case approximately 40 minutes—results in greater body appreciation. Additionally, people who scored highly in the trait of self-compassion displayed greater improvement in body appreciation. 

Benefits of Winter Walking Outdoors

  1. Boosts Mood and Mental Health — Winter walking exposes you to natural light, which can help combat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and alleviate symptoms of depression or low mood. The fresh air and change of scenery can also boost mental clarity and reduce stress levels.
  2. Enhances Physical Fitness — Walking in the winter, especially in snow or on icy terrain, engages more muscles due to the need for stability and balance. This can provide a more intense workout without feeling like it, improving cardiovascular health, endurance, and strength.
  3. Vitamin D Absorption — Even during the winter months, exposure to sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D. Walking outdoors allows your body to absorb this essential vitamin, supporting bone health, immune function, and overall well-being.
  4. Connection with Nature — Winter landscapes offer a unique and serene beauty. Walking outdoors allows you to experience this beauty firsthand, fostering a deeper connection with nature, promoting mindfulness, and offering a break from indoor routines.
  5. Promotes Resilience and Adaptability — Embracing winter walks encourages resilience by embracing the challenges of the season. It builds a sense of accomplishment and adaptability as you navigate different weather conditions, which can translate into increased confidence and a positive mindset.

Tips for Walking in Winter

  1. Dress in Layers — Layering is key to staying warm and comfortable during winter walks. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to keep sweat away from your skin. Add insulating layers like fleece or wool for warmth, and a waterproof or windproof outer layer to protect against the elements. Don’t forget a hat, gloves, thick socks, and insulated, waterproof footwear to keep your extremities warm and dry. Battery operated heated jackets, shirts, vests and rechargeable hand warmers are excellent options to keep you warm with minimal layers.
  2. Wear Appropriate Walking Footwear — Invest in proper walking shoes that fit well and provide adequate support. Replace worn-out shoes to prevent discomfort or injuries and consider consulting a professional for fitting guidance.
  3. Focus on Good Walking Posture and Form — Maintain an upright posture while walking. Keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, and swing your arms naturally. Engage your core muscles to support your spine and promote efficient movement.
  4. Choose Safe Winter Walking Routes — Opt for well-maintained paths, parks, or trails that are safe for walking in winter conditions. Look for routes that are cleared of snow or ice or use traction devices like crampons or ice cleats for added stability on slippery surfaces. Consider starting with shorter walks and gradually increasing both distance and intensity as you get accustomed to the colder weather.
  5. Check Weather Conditions Before Your Walk — Staying informed about the weather conditions before walking in winter is a key aspect of responsible outdoor activity and contributes to your safety and well-being. Winter weather can bring hazardous conditions such as ice, snow, and freezing rain. Being aware of these conditions in advance allows you to take appropriate precautions and avoid potential dangers or accidents.

Winter Walking FAQ

How can I stay warm while walking in the winter?

There are so many options for keeping your body warm during winter walks now! We’ve all heard it – dress in layers! Now we don’t have to when you can use battery operated rechargeable shirts, jackets, gloves, socks and even hand warmers! I personally love fleece lined leggings and over the knee leg warmers as well. All of my favorite winter weather gear is available in my amazon shop!

Is it safe to walk in icy or snowy conditions?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 1 million U.S. adults are injured due to slips and falls every year, with the injury rate increasing significantly as temperatures decline. It is safe to walk in icy and snowy conditions but you’ll want to take caution and be prepared with the proper clothing and crampon traction cleats. The Mayo Clinic suggests wearing proper footwear, taking small steps and taking your time.

Can I lose weight just by walking?

In short, yes walking can help you lose weight. However, walking alone will probably not get you the desired weight loss results you’re looking for. Think of walking more as weight loss maintenance and the main form of exercise to maintain a healthy weight. Form Health states other health benefits of walking could include: improved blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and preserved lean muscle mass and cardiovascular fitness.

How can I protect my skin during winter walks?

Wearing protective hats, mittens and neck warmers will keep the majority of your skin covered and protected from frostbite. In snowy and windy conditions, you may find it necessary to wear a ski mask or goggles. It is also important to remember your SPF and in the winter months a tinted moisturizer with SPF can help protect your face.


Shop My Walking Must Haves

Step into the cozy world of winter strolls with our curated Amazon shopping list. Discover essential must-haves for chilly walks that blend style and warmth, ensuring you embrace the season with comfort and flair. Let’s make your winter walks both stylish and warm!


Shop My Walking Must Haves

Step into the cozy world of winter strolls with our curated Amazon shopping list. Discover essential must-haves for chilly walks that blend style and warmth, ensuring you embrace the season with comfort and flair. Let’s make your winter walks both stylish and warm!

Winter Walking Workout Plan

20-Minute Outdoor Walking Workout for Weight Loss

Getting back into a workout routine or kickstarting your fitness journey doesn’t have to be complicated, especially when you consider walking. It’s a low-impact activity that’s accessible to nearly everyone. However, if shedding weight is your aim, it’s essential to understand that intensity plays a crucial role in achieving success through walking.

We’re not dismissing your casual walks, but if weight loss is your target, it’s time to step up your game—and this sample outdoor walking routine can be key to elevating your walking workouts for effective weight loss! No fancy equipment or gym subscriptions needed; this interval outdoor walking workout is your ticket to getting in shape. Our 20-Minute Outdoor Walking Workout Routine offers a unique approach to help you reach your fitness goals without any extra gear or memberships.

20-Minute Interval Walking Workout

Warm-up (3 minutes): Begin with a moderate-paced walk to prepare your muscles and gradually increase your heart rate.

Interval Training (14 minutes):

  • Brisk Walk (3 minutes): Increase your pace to a brisk walk, pushing yourself to a faster speed than your warm-up pace. Focus on swinging your arms and engaging your core.
  • Power Walk (2 minutes): Amp up the intensity further, almost to a jogging pace, for 2 minutes. Pump your arms and increase your stride length.
  • Incline or Hill Climb (3 minutes): Find an incline or hill and walk uphill at a steady pace for 3 minutes. This challenges different muscles and intensifies the workout.
  • Moderate Walk (3 minutes): Slow down to a moderate pace, allowing your body to recover while still maintaining a good speed.
  • Interval Repeat (3 minutes): Repeat the sequence (Brisk Walk, Power Walk, Incline/Hill Climb, Moderate Walk) for another round.

Cool Down (3 minutes): Gradually decrease your pace during the last 3 minutes to return to a comfortable walking speed. Focus on deep breathing and let your heart rate gradually decrease. Finish with some gentle stretching to prevent muscle tightness.

Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity according to your fitness level. If you don’t have access to hills or inclines, increase the intensity by walking at a faster pace during the brisk and power walk intervals. Consistency and regularity in your workouts will aid in achieving weight loss goals over time.

Best Winter Walking Gear

My Top Winter Walking Gear List — As the winter chill sets in, remember it’s crucial to dress the part for your cold girl walks. Not only does the right winter attire keep you warm, but it also adds a touch of style to your outdoor adventures. Picture this: layers, warm boots, and the best invention HEATED accessories. To make your winter wardrobe game strong, check out our carefully curated Amazon shopping list as well as my top favorite winter walking must-haves below!


Woman’s Thickened Down Jacket


Heated, Weather Resistant Gloves


Action Heat Vest


Tinted Sunscreen


Ember Travel Mug


Fleece Lined Joggers

Time to get moving and go get outside!

Share your favorite gear for winter walks in the comment section! If you don’t share in the snow where you live, share your favorite warm weather walking gear!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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