There is so much more to strengthening our glutes with Pilates than just for looks! Often times, we want to fill out our jeans or sculpt a strong booty for those perfect leggings, but there is so much more to a toned tush than the...Read More
What are our core muscles? When we think of the core muscles, we immediately think of the abdominals. However, our core is made up of so much more than that! Our core includes the muscles of the abdominals, low back, pelvic, and glutes. Today, I...Read More
One of the most common core exercises is the Pilates “Criss Cross”, also known as the “Bicycle Crunch”. This exercise is highly underrated because it is often done incorrectly. Our main goal for performing this exercise is to bring emphasis to the internal and external...Read More
“How do I target my lower abs?” is one of the top questions I am asked while teaching Pilates ab work. The lower abs is a common area of the body where fat is stored. It is a tough area to isolate and engage, especially...Read More
Pilates is a system of low-impact exercises designed to move your body from the core out – improving upon strength, endurance, stability and flexibility. This system of movement was devised by Joseph Pilates, in which his original work became known as “Contrology.” Pilates originated with...Read More