Prepare to amplify your Pilates strength game with the 21-day Pilates Strength Challenge free on YouTube! Week 2 is now live! This program ingeniously merges Pilates core principles with functional strength training, reshaping your complete body strength by incorporating a playful Pilates twist into standard movements like squats and lunges. Embark on a 21-day fitness adventure that taps into the prowess of Pilates, providing a holistic boost in full-body strength through a fusion of resistance training, functional movements, and mobility exercises. Throughout this transformative three-week challenge, discover the path to exceeding boundaries, reshaping fitness objectives, and unlocking your inner Pilates Queen!

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Free Pilates Strength YouTube Workouts (21-Day Challenge Week 2)

Empower your strength, vitality, and inner resilience with the Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge! Dedicate just 20 minutes daily to this on-demand, low-impact strength training initiative designed to reshape and tone both your body and mind. Make sure you take advantage of these bonus offerings of a Free Daily Pilates Workout Calendar and exclusive Lifetime VIP Community Access.

This post includes affiliate links. I do earn a commission for products purchased using these links (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting PILATESBODY by Kayla, making the content you see on this blog possible.

Don’t miss out on this FREE 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge on YouTube

Prepare to amplify your Pilates strength game with the 21-day Pilates Strength Challenge free on YouTube! This program ingeniously merges Pilates core principles with functional strength training, reshaping your complete body strength by incorporating a playful Pilates twist into standard movements like squats and lunges.

Embark on a 21-day fitness adventure that taps into the prowess of Pilates, providing a holistic boost in full-body strength through a fusion of resistance training, functional movements, and mobility exercises. Throughout this transformative three-week challenge, discover the path to exceeding boundaries, reshaping fitness objectives, and unlocking your inner Pilates Queen!


Download Your FREE Workout Calendar

Start the Pilates Challenge today! Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar with direct links to each of the At Home Pilates Strength Training Workouts

Free Pilates Workout Calendar - 21-Day Pilates Strength Training Challenge for Beginners - PILATESBODY by Kayla

Enter your name and email to sign-up for the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge Challenge. We won't sell your information or spam you.

Is it possible to do the Pilates Strength Program from the comfort of my home?

Absolutely! This Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is crafted for individuals of all levels and structured to provide you with 6 Pilates at-home strength training sessions per week (with 1 rest day). Immerse yourself in daily dynamic workouts and become part of a robust, supportive community where dedicated individuals embark on this challenge together. 

What Equipment do I need for Week 2 of the Pilates Strength Challenge?

This Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is designed to take your Pilates workouts to the next level incorporating equipment that goes beyond the Mat and Pilates Reformer. You will need some basic equipment to complete Week 2 of the challenge. 

Minimum At Home Equipment Needed:

Visit the PILATESBODY by Kayla Amazon Shop to see the equipment & brands we recommend.

Disclaimer: PILATESBODY by Kayla is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. Which means I earn a small commission if you shop using the link above (at no additional cost to you). All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting PILATESBODY by Kayla!

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What are the benefits of Pilates and Strength Training?

Although Pilates and strength training typically find themselves in individual categories more recently they are beginning to blend together and for good reason! Some may say this is taboo and “not” Pilates, what is most important is that you continue to move your body safe and effectively and what better why than taking the things we know and value about Pilates like core strength, breath work, body control and alignment and instilling those principals by adding more resistance. 

  1. Enhanced Muscle Tone and Definition: Combining Pilates with strength training results in a comprehensive approach to muscle engagement. Pilates emphasizes controlled and precise movements, promoting muscle elongation and improved flexibility along with core strengthening. When integrated with traditional strength training, which focuses on resistance and muscle contraction, the result is a well-rounded workout that enhances muscle tone, definition, and overall aesthetics while also preventing injury.
  2. Improved Core Strength and Stability: Both Pilates and strength training prioritize core engagement, but they do so in different ways. Pilates specifically targets the deep stabilizing muscles of the core, promoting better posture and balance. When paired with traditional strength training exercises that engage larger muscle groups, the overall core strength is further reinforced. This combined approach contributes to improved stability, reduced risk of injuries, and better everyday functional movement patterns.
  3. Holistic Fitness and Injury Prevention: Think of Pilates as a one stop shop, a workout where you can get core engagement, flexibility, muscle strengthening and challenge your cardiovascular system all in one. Integrating Pilates with strength training creates a holistic fitness routine that addresses various aspects of physical well-being as well as emphasizes the mind-body connection, while strength training focuses on building power and endurance. By combining these approaches, individuals can achieve a balanced fitness level, reducing the risk of overuse injuries, enhancing overall body awareness, and promoting long-term joint health. This synergistic approach contributes to a more resilient and adaptable body.

YouTube Pilates Strength Program (Week 2) FAQ

Is Pilates good for strength?

Yes, Pilates is good for strength and does involve resistance training, it falls short in providing a sufficient amount of resistance when wanting to build a substantial amount of muscle tone. The reformer, operating as a pulley system, does not possess the capability to generate the required resistance for fostering muscle or bone development as well as just using your body weight. 

Can Pilates replace strength training?

No, Pilates cannot replace strength training. Particularly for women aged 40 and above, incorporating heavy weight lifting is crucial for preserving muscle mass and promoting optimal bone density. However, combining Pilates and strength training in the same workout can provide substantial benefits to the body.

How long does it take to get Pilates Strong?

The time it takes to build strength through Pilates can vary significantly from person to person. Several factors influence the rate of progress, including your current fitness level, frequency of practice, intensity of workouts, and individual body response.

For beginners, some individuals may start to notice improvements in strength, flexibility, and muscle tone within a few weeks of consistent Pilates practice. However, to develop significant strength, it often takes a few months of regular and dedicated training.

Intermediate and advanced practitioners may continue to see strength gains over time by progressively challenging their bodies with more advanced Pilates exercises and variations. Consistency and proper form are key factors in achieving and maintaining strength through Pilates.

It’s important to note that Pilates is not necessarily focused on building maximal strength like traditional weightlifting, unless you are implementing a combination approve like my 21 Pilates Strength Challenge offers. If your primary goal is to gain substantial muscle mass and maximum strength, combining Pilates with other forms of resistance training may be beneficial.

Ultimately, the journey to strength through Pilates is a gradual process, and the timeline varies based on individual factors. Consistency and progression in difficulty over time will contribute to enhanced strength and overall fitness.

How many times a week should you do Pilates and Strength Training?

Pilates is a form of exercise that can be done every day. Strength training can also be done everyday but your programming should alternate focusing on different muscle groups. When looking at a combination approach like the 21 Day Pilates Strength Challenge you will find Pilates is always the primary focus and we alternate the days we add dumbbells and heavy resistance. 

If you are looking at an individualized program where you are just doing Pilates one day and just doing strength training another day, consider a balanced approach. For example, you might do Pilates on Monday and strength training on Tuesday, and then have a day of rest or lighter activity on Wednesday. I would personally recommend a 3-5x a week approach to Pilates Strength Training for optimal results.

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge (Week 2 Workouts)

Start Your Free Pilates Strength Training Workouts

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How do I download and use the program’s Free Pilates Workout Calendar PDF?

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Introducing the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge – your ticket to a stronger, more vibrant you! Here is how you get started today!

How to Download the Daily Pilates Workout Calendar PDF

  1. Download the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge Program PDF by Clicking here or bookmark this webpage for reference as weekly workouts are outlined below.
  2. Save this workout calendar to your mobile device home screen for easy access: 
    1. Open this workout calendar PDF in the safari browser on your phone 
    2. Tap the bottom arrow in  the center of your screen. 
    3. Select “add to Home Screen”. 
  3. OR Save this workout calendar to your computer desktop or iPad if you plan on working out each day using a larger screened device! 

How to Use the Daily Pilates Workout Calendar PDF

  1. Hover over and then click on the bold text each day to access the full workout video, or scroll down to find the daily workouts for week 1 below! 
  2. You can also access all of the at home workout videos on this workout challenge calendar on YouTube via this playlist: Pilates Strong 21 Day Challenge #1 – YouTube 
  3. Share your daily workouts with me by tagging @pilatesbodybykayla on social and “pin” the daily workouts on Pinterest so you can do them.
Free-21-Day-Pilates-Strength-Training-Challenge-Full-Body-Pilates-Strong-Week 2-Playlist- PILATESBODY-by-Kayla

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

Week 2 Workouts

Best Pilates YouTube Workouts for Strength Training

Total Arms Workout Summary

Equipment: Resistance Bands, Exercise Mat

Crush this 20-minute Total Upper Body Pilates Strength Building workout only using a resistance loop band! Want to invest in some equipment for this challenge? See this blog for my favorite Pilates Equipment or my Amazon Storefront.

Day 8 Workout Highlight: Banded Push Up Exercise

Targets: Chest, Back & Shoulders


How to do the Banded Push Up Exercise

  • Begin on your toes or knees with the loop band around your arms above your elbows.
  • Inhale bend your elbows back towards the sides of your body.
  • Exhale push up.
  • Repeat 8-10 reps

Modifications: Use a heavier resistance band and decrease range of motion.

* For a live demonstration of the Banded Push Up Exercise, watch the workout video!

Booty Band Workout Summary

Equipment: Resistance Booty Band, Gliding Discs, Chair, Exercise Mat

Day 9 is a low-impact Legs + Booty Pilates workout with resistance bands and gliding discs! Transform your lower body with this intense Pilates Booty Band Circuit designed to sculpt strong legs and glutes! This workout combines targeted Pilates reformer inspired exercises with a resistance band to maximize RESULTS.

Day 9 Workout Highlight: Donkey Kick Back Exercise

Targets: Glutes, Hamstrings & Core


How to Do Donkey Kick Back Exercise 

  1. Begin in table top hands and kness.
  2. Exhale begin to raise right knee up as if you are stamping your foot print on the ceiling keeping a 90 degree bend in your knee. 
  3. Inhale return the knee back down to table top.
  4. Repeat movement for 8-10 reps each leg. .

Modifications: Use lighter band or body weight only.

* For a live demonstration of the Donkey Kick Exercise, watch the workout video

Standing Abs Workout Summary

Equipment: 10lb. Dumbbell

Get ready for an effective Standing Only Pilates abs workout! 🔥 This 10-minute standing workout focuses on strengthening your core with ONE Dumbbell! Define your six pack using the weight for functional core strengthening.

Day 10 Workout Highlight: Standing March Exercise

Targets: Core, Hip Flexors


How to do Standing March Exercise

  1. Begin standing holding 1 dumbbell in front of your chest.
  2. Inhale to prepare and engage core.
  3. Exhale raise right knee up towards chest using your abs.
  4. Inhale return foot to floor.
  5. Exhale raise left knee up towards your chest using your abs
  6. Inhale return foot to floor.
  7. Continue alternating legs marching for 45 seconds.

Modifications: Use body weight and slow down. Follow suggested modifications in workout.

* For a live demonstration of the Standing March Exercise, watch the workout video

Full Body Pilates Body Weight Strength Workout Summary

Equipment: No equipment, just your Exercise Mat!

Get ready for a powerful Beginner Full Body Pilates Bodyweight Strength Workout! This unique blend of bodyweight-only exercises brings together the muscle-building advantages of strength training with the flexibility and core-strengthening perks of Pilates! No equipment needed for this one, just your Pilates mat! 💪

Day 11 Workout Highlight: Glute Bridge March Exercise

Targets: Glutes, Hamstrings, Core


How to do Glute Bridge March Exercise

  1. Begin laying down on your back, feet flat and knees hip width apart, hands at your sides.
  2. Exhale lift hips up into a glute bridge holding at the top.
  3. Exhale lift right knee up towards your chest.
  4. Inhale tap right toe back to the mat without hips dropping.
  5. Repeat 5x each side.

ModificationsRaise your heel coming up to your toes. Continue to strengthen your glute bridge.

* For a live demonstration of the Bridge March Exercise, watch the workout video

Pilates Abs + Booty Burn Workout Summary

Equipment: No equipment, just your Exercise Mat and a chair!

Do this quick core and standing Lower Body Booty Burn workout for a toned & naturally lifted butt. With this workout, you can expect to strengthen and tone your legs, thighs, butt, and abs. This Pilates class is designed without the use of any equipment, just your body weight only and a chair.  

Day 12 Workout Highlight: Side Lunge Exercise

Targets: Legs and Glutes


How to do Side Lunge Exercise

  1. Start standing with one leg extended out long and optional to raise it up on a bench or chair.
  2. Inhale squat deep into the standing leg sending your bottom back keeping the knee over the toe.
  3. Exhale stand back up to starting position.
  4. Repeat 10-12 each side.

Modifications: Slow down your pace and decrease range of motion and reps.

* For a live demonstration of the Side Lunge, watch the workout video

Stretchy Spine Mat Workout Summary

Equipment: No equipment, just your Exercise Mat!

Through this Mat Pilates class you’ll move through spinal mobility exercises that will leave you feeling loose and limber. The spine is designed to move in multiple different directions and this class will have you exploring all of them!

Day 13 Workout Highlight: Swimming Exercise

Targets: Upper back, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Glutes


How to do Swimming Exercise

  1. Lay face down on your belly with your arms extended over head and feet hip width apart.
  2. Inhale begin to slightly lift your head along with your right arm and left leg.
  3. Exhale lower down.
  4. Inhale begin to slightly lift your head along with your left arm and right leg.
  5. Exhale lower down.
  6. Repeat 10x times alternating side. Working to eventually pick up the pace without stopping between sides. 

Modifications: Keep head down, start by only lifting 1 arm or 1 leg.

*For a live demonstration of the Swimming Exercise, watch the workout video 

Day 14: Rest & Replenish

You’ve made it through week 2! It’s crucial to honor your body and mind, especially after six days of intentional movement. Embracing a rest day is like giving yourself a big, warm hug as you prepare for week 3! Remember, it’s not just about lazing around; you can still incorporate Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) movement. Try some light stretching, or take a leisurely stroll outside and get some fresh air! This way, you’re nurturing your well-being without the intensity of a full workout. Your body will thank you for the rest, and you’ll recharge those energy levels for the days ahead. It’s all about finding that beautiful balance between movement and mindful rejuvenation.


EcoWise Premium Exercise Mat


3-Pound Workout Dumbbell Set


Pilates Gliding Discs System


8-Pound Workout Dumbbell Set


Booty Bands – Fabric Resistance Bands


Medium Density Foam Roller

What did you think of Week 2 of the 21-Day Pilates Challenge?

Share your favorite workout of the week below in the comment section! If you haven’t tried any yet, I’d love to chat with you on how to start!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,

Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge 

21 days to transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar to get started today!

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla
Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge 

21 days to transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar to get started today!

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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