This guided Pilates Pelvic Floor Health Workout is extremely effective for pelvic floor strengthening and rehabilitation. The pelvic floor exercises featured in this workout are perfect for anyone dealing with pelvic floor pain, incontinence, surgery recovery, or returning to an exercise routine postpartum. This 15-minute at home Pilates class is gentle and safe for those who have Diastasis Recti, and is a pregnancy-safe workout for those in their first and second trimesters. As always, listen to your body during workouts. Let’s begin!


Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises (15-Minute At Home Workout)

This guided Pilates Pelvic Floor Health Workout is extremely effective for pelvic floor strengthening and rehabilitation. The pelvic floor exercises featured in this workout are perfect for anyone dealing with pelvic floor pain, incontinence, surgery recovery, or returning to an exercise routine postpartum. This 15-minute at home Pilates class is gentle and safe for those who have Diastasis Recti, and is a pregnancy-safe workout for those in their first and second trimesters. As always, listen to your body during workouts. Let’s begin!

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Why Pelvic Floor Health is Important

Maintaining optimal pelvic floor health is crucial for overall well-being and quality of life. Often overlooked, the pelvic floor plays a pivotal role in supporting essential bodily functions, including bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and stability for the organs in the pelvic region. A well-functioning and strong pelvic floor not only contributes to great physical health, but also helps to prevent issues such as incontinence, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Understanding and nurturing pelvic floor health is fundamental for individuals of all ages and genders to ensure a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.


Is the Core Connected to the Pelvic Floor?

Imagine your core as the engine of a powerful machine. Nestled within that core, the pelvic floor serves as the fuel pump — where your strength ignites and propels your body’s movements. Your pelvic floor contains the muscles that provide crucial support to the pelvic organs (like the bladder, uterus (in women), and rectum) forming the very foundation of your body’s stability. These muscles are multitaskers, responsible not just for stabilizing your core, pelvic floor, deep abs, and supporting your organs, but also for functions as intimate as experiencing orgasms and aiding in bowel movements.

Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (Not Just Women)

Keep in mind that pelvic floor dysfunction does not discriminate. While, yes, pregnancy, birth, and menopause have a larger impact on pelvic floor strength, men can also be affected. Your lifestyle factors such as heavy lifting and excessive jumping can also have a substantial effect on these muscles. Viverant Physical Therapy indicates, “Pelvic floor dysfunction can result from impaired relaxation and coordination of pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, sometimes causing bladder control issues, constipation, discomfort during sex, and pain in the lower back, pelvic region, genitals or rectum.”


Benefits of Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises offer many benefits for both men and women. These benefits contribute to overall health, well-being, and the prevention of various health issues by making the muscles that support pelvic organs stronger. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Improved Bladder Control: Strengthening the pelvic floor enhances your ability to control bladder and bowel functions, reducing incidents of incontinence and providing greater confidence in everyday activities. Incontinence, a condition characterized by the unintentional leakage of urine, can be caused by factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, or surgery. Both men and women can experience normal incontinence, stress incontinence (while coughing, sneezing, exercising), urge incontinence, and overflow incontinence.
  2. Better Sexual Health: Pelvic floor strength is closely linked to sexual function. Both men and women can experience improvements in sexual health through regular pelvic floor exercises. A healthy and toned pelvic floor can enhance sexual satisfaction for both partners by promoting better muscle control and responsiveness, in turn heightening sexual sensation and orgasm intensity.
  3. Alleviation of Pelvic Pain: Strengthening exercises can help alleviate discomfort associated with pelvic pain conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Learning how to relax your pelvic floor is just as important as strengthening it, and will improve your overall comfort, pelvic health, and quality of life.
  4. Core Stability and Posture: The pelvic floor is an integral part of the core musculature. Strengthening these muscles contributes to overall core stability, which is essential for good posture, balance, and the prevention of back pain.
  5. Support During Pregnancy and Postpartum Recovery: During pregnancy, prenatal-friendly pelvic floor exercises are beneficial to support the growing uterus and prepare the muscles for childbirth. Strengthening these muscles can contribute to better pelvic stability and reduce the risk of issues like stress incontinence during and after pregnancy. When postpartum, pelvic floor exercises can aid in the recovery of muscle tone and function, addressing any weakness or damage that may have occurred during childbirth.

It’s important to note that the benefits of pelvic floor strengthening can vary among individuals, and it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a pelvic health specialist to receive personalized guidance and exercises tailored to specific needs.


Pelvic Floor and Pregnancy

Pelvic floor health is particularly crucial during pregnancy due to the significant changes that occur in a woman’s body to accommodate the growing fetus. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues that support the pelvic organs, including a woman’s uterus.

Dr. Jesse Lillejord, the founder of CHIRO FOR MOMS + CHIRO FOR KIDZ, explains, “A woman’s pelvic floor health is integral in the success and outcome of a woman’s pregnancy and postpartum journey. When talking about the pelvic floor, it’s not about the strength, it’s about the FUNCTIONALITY. If a woman’s pelvic floor is functioning properly (having the ability to both relax and contract properly) it has the ability to support a woman before pregnancy, during pregnancy, throughout delivery, and into their postpartum journey. That beautiful pelvic floor is the very thing that allows women to create and grow a beautiful human — and in doing that, has to be treated as such. When the pelvic floor, both the muscles and the joints, are paid attention to, women save a lot of time and frustration. And in doing that, they GET MORE TIME back to do the things they love.”

Engaging in a consistent and appropriate pelvic floor exercise routine during pregnancy can offer both short-term and long-term benefits for maternal health. Pregnant women should only perform pregnancy-safe pelvic floor exercises to ensure that they are safe and suitable for their current trimester and circumstances. As always, please consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen, especially during pregnancy. And, please listen to your body. If you experience any pain or coning of the abdomen, stop the exercise.

Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises FAQ

Is Pilates good for the Pelvic Floor?

Yes, Pilates can be highly beneficial for pelvic floor health. Pilates exercises emphasize core strength, stability, and proper alignment, all of which contribute to a stronger pelvic floor. The focus on controlled movements, breathing techniques, and engaging specific muscle groups in Pilates at home workouts can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles directly, providing support to the pelvic organs, and improving overall pelvic floor function.

Are kegels a good way to strengthen the pelvic floor?

According to Elissa Cohen of CHIRO FOR MOMS + CHIRO FOR KIDZ, “Kegels are a very limited and ineffective way of looking at strengthening the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor only functions in the context of other muscle groups in the area. So by strengthening the surrounding muscles like hips, glutes, and abs, you will indirectly be strengthening the pelvic floor and in a much more functional way.”

What pelvic floor exercises should I avoid?

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board advises, “Some exercises such as straight leg sit-ups and double leg lifts may put severe pressure on the pelvic floor (and the back) and should be avoided. Also avoid high-impact activity, i.e. any activity involving both feet off the ground at the same time e.g. running, jumping.”

These kinds of exercises may excessively strain the pelvic floor and should be approached carefully or avoided, particularly if there are pre-existing pelvic floor concerns.

15-Minute Pilates At-Home Workout

Best Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises


Pilates is a form of exercise that can effectively target and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that are located inside your core. Consistency is key when it comes to pelvic floor strengthening. Incorporating these best Pilates pelvic floor exercises into your fitness routine can contribute to optimal pelvic floor health, improved confidence and control, and overall strength and well-being in your daily life.

Workout Equipment

Other than a Pilates mat, this is a no equipment workout!

* Click here to view all items featured in this workout blog. *

Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!


Shop My Pilates Mat

This Eco-friendly Pilates mat is made of high-density soft foam with a durable surface. It is easy to clean and easy to hang with its reinforced eyelets. Available in a variety of sizes and fun colors!

Workout Instructions

Follow along with the guided Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening 15-Minute At Home YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner

Duration: 15-Minute Workout


  • 10 Pilates exercises for pelvic floor strengthening and rehabilitation
  • Gentle exercises for those who have Diastasis Recti
  • Pregnancy-safe exercises for the first and second trimesters of pregnancy

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

10 Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises for Optimal Pelvic Floor Health

3-Dimensional Breathing Exercise

Targets: Inner core, mind-body connection.


How to Do 3-Dimensional Breathing

  1. Place your hands on your ribs, wrapping around your lower abdomen.
  2. Inhale, allow ribs to expand and open like butterfly wings and “knit” butterfly wings back together with each exhale.
  3. Focus on breathing into back ribs. Inhale and allow the back to expand and fill with air. Exhale and let the sternum soften and sink down.
  4. Combine movements 1-3 in each and every breath as you perform 3D breathing.

* For a live demonstration of the 3-Dimensional Breathing Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Goddess Squat Exercise

Targets: Legs, inner thighs.


How to Do Goddess Squats

  1. Begin standing with legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Your heels in, and toes pointed out.
  2. Inhale, bend knees and lower into squat.
  3. Exhale, stand up while feeling the inner thighs and pelvic floor activate.
  4. Concentrate on squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  5. Repeat 5-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Goddess Squat Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Targets: Lower abs, pelvic mobility, and lengthens the lower back.


How to Do Pelvic Tilts

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in neutral spine position (relaxed back muscles and the natural curve of your spine appears), knees bent and feet hip-width on the floor.
  2. As you exhale, tip your pelvis, as if you are bringing your pubic bone towards your naval. Try to flatten your low back and “imprint” your spine, engaging your transverse abs.
  3. Inhale as you begin to slowly articulate your spine, roll back down one vertebrae at a time, and tilt your pelvis forward again as you return back to your neutral spine.
  4. Repeat 10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Pelvic Tilt Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Glute Bridge Exercise

Targets: Core, glutes, and stabilizes the pelvis.


How to Do Glute Bridges

  1. Begin laying on your back, palms down and arms long by your sides.
  2. Begin with your knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, pressing heels firmly into the floor.
  3. Inhale. Exhale to raise hips up until you create a straight line from knees, hips to shoulders.
  4. Press arms back to goal post position by squeezing the shoulder blades and upper back muscles.
  5. Inhale lower hips down and return pelvis to the mat. Repeating 8-10 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Glute Bridge Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Heel Slides Exercise

Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, and pelvic stabilization.


How to Do Heel Slides

  1. Begin with your knees bent and feet planted hip width apart, pressing heels firmly into the floor.
  2. Inhale a deep breath. Exhale, slide left heel forward so the leg is long, keeping hip bones pointed straight up.
  3. Inhale, drag back the heel lightly against the mat until the knee is bent again.
  4. Change leg. Repeat 5-10 times each leg.

* For a live demonstration of the Heels Slides Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Butterfly Knee Spreads Exercise

Targets: Pelvic floor, lower core, glutes, and inner thighs.


How to Do Butterfly Knee Spreads

  1. Begin by laying on your mat in imprinted spine position (engaged core muscles and the small of your back is connected to the mat), knees bent and feet together on the floor.
  2. Inhale, spread 1 knee out wide like a butterfly, maintaining the imprint.
  3. Exhale, drawing the knee back to center using the core, pelvic floor and inner thighs.
  4. Repeat 5-8 times each leg.
  5. Advanced to double knee spread. Inhale, spread the knees wide like a butterfly, maintaining imprint, while lightly pressing bottoms of feet together.
  6. Exhale, drawing the knee back together using the core, pelvic floor and inner thighs.

* For a live demonstration of the Butterfly Knee Spreads Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Advanced Butterfly Knee Spreads Exercise

Targets: Deep core, pelvic floor.


How to Do Advanced Butterfly Knee Spreads

  1. Lay down on your back with knees at table top position and arms reaching along your sides.
  2. Exhale, spread one knee open like a butterfly.
  3. Inhale, draw your knee back to table top position.
  4. Repeat 5-10 times each leg.
  5. Progress to both legs at the same time. Exhale, separating both knees wide like a butterfly, keeping feet together.
  6. Inhale, return knees back to table top.
  7. Repeat 5 times.

* For a live demonstration of the Advanced Butterfly Knee Spreads Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Tabletop Toe Taps Exercise

Targets: Core, pelvic floor.


How to Do Tabletop Toe Taps

  1. Lay on your back with knees at table top and arms reaching along your sides.
  2. Exhale, tap one toe down towards the mat moving the leg from your hip.
  3. Inhale, lift knee back up to table top keep core engaged.
  4. Repeat 5-10 times each leg.

* For a live demonstration of the Tabletop Toe Taps Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Single Leg Stretch Exercise

Targets: Abs, alignment.


How to Do Single Leg Stretches

  1. Lay on your back, head down, and knees in tabletop position.
  2. Exhale, extend one leg out long keeping your core engaged.
  3. Inhale, return leg back to tabletop position.
  4. Exhale, repeat steps while extending the opposite leg long.
  5. Repeat 6-10 times each leg.

* For a live demonstration of the Single Leg Stretch Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!

Figure 4 Stretch Exercise

Targets: Outsides of your hips, as well as your butt, specifically the gluteus medius.


How to Do Figure 4 Stretches

  1. On your mat, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip-width-distance apart.
  2. Cross the right ankle over the left leg’s knee/upper thigh.
  3. Under the crease of the knee, grab the left leg with both hands and bring the left knee towards your chest, holding when you feel a deep stretch in your right glute/hip area.
  4. Hold for 60-seconds to help mobilize the sacroiliac joint. Lower left leg down and return the right ankle/foot back to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg.

* For a live demonstration of the Figure 4 Stretch Exercise, watch the workout video at the top!


EcoWise Premium Exercise Mat

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Did you try the Pilates Pelvic Floor Strengthening Exercises?

Share your favorite exercises below in the comment section! If you haven’t tried any yet, I’d love to chat with you on how to start!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos


Free Beginner Pilates 10-Day Core + Ab Challenge

10 days to build a solid Pilates foundation, activate your deep core, and master the power of breathwork with my Free Online Course Guide and Daily On-Demand Pilates Workout Videos

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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