Pilates to Support Your Pregnancy

Overall, pregnancy is really tough on our bodies. The good news is, there are pregnancy safe ab workouts available to help us feel good throughout the 40 weeks of growing our babe. Pregnancy safe core exercises can also help us get in our daily movement and help to reduce pregnancy symptoms. There are so many misconceptions out there about pregnancy safe core exercises. Frankly, the pressure to stay “fit” while pregnant and the pressure to “snap back” during postpartum is higher in today’s world than ever. As a certified Pilates instructor, I often hear, “I wish I had access to a Pilates studio when I was pregnant”. Or, “I wish I knew what ‘pregnancy safe ab workouts’ actually meant while I was preparing to become a mom”. So, let’s break it all down!

Overall, pregnancy is really tough on our bodies. The good news is, there are pregnancy safe ab workouts available to help us feel good throughout each trimester. Pregnancy safe core exercises can also help us get in our daily movement and help to reduce symptoms.

There are so many misconceptions out there about pregnancy safe core exercises. Frankly, the societal pressures to stay “fit” while growing our babies and to immediately “snap back” during postpartum is higher in today’s world than ever. As a certified Pilates instructor, I often hear, “I wish I had access to a Pilates studio when I was pregnant”. Or, “I wish I knew what ‘pregnancy safe ab workouts’ actually meant while I was preparing to become a mom”. So, let’s break it all down!

At the end of this blog post, I am also sharing 3 exercises to strengthen your core with Pilates for delivering your baby in the lying on your back position. Be sure to watch the video below!

pilates to support your pregnancy safe ab workouts pregnancy safe core exercises PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa 2

Why Are Pregnancy Safe Core Exercises Important?

The extra weight of the baby putting pressure forward and down does a number on our muscles and pelvic floor during the 40 weeks of its growth. To accommodate for the continued growth and development of the baby, our bodies go through a lot of stretching and this often leads to muscular imbalances, pain, and not to mention unfamiliar territory when it comes to working out. Specifically, we mamas wonder, what are pregnancy safe core exercises?

How is Prenatal Pilates Different From Regular Pilates?

As the weeks progress and our prenatal bodies change, this is when our regular Pilates workouts slowly start to transform into prenatal Pilates workouts. As your body and baby grows from trimester to trimester, there are modifications needed in order to avoid abdominal flexion. This means keeping our ab workouts pregnancy safe as the rectus abdominis begins to separate. Another (maybe obvious) modification included in prenatal Pilates workouts is no laying prone (on your stomach). Modifications will eventually be needed in prolonged supine positions as well (laying on your back). As you can see from these few examples, this is good news to all mamas out there. Generally, most traditional Pilates ab workouts are able to be transitioned to pregnancy safe core exercises!

pilates to support your pregnancy safe ab workouts pregnancy safe core exercises PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa 1

Can Pregnancy Safe Ab Workouts Help With Symptoms?

Prenatal Pilates helps maintain a strong pelvic floor, but also helps you to understand how to appropriately release the pelvic floor and how to relax those muscles in labor. Pregnancy safe ab workouts help prevent Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation), back pain, hip pain, sciatica, poor posture and pelvic floor dysfunction. Pregnancy safe core workouts will also give you the strength and stamina in labor and delivery to endure contractions and welcome your bundle of joy with more ease. In addition, you will likely have a quicker, easier and smoother recovery. Don’t we all want that? I know I do!

Are All Pilates Core Exercises Safe During Pregnancy?

The simple answer to this question is, no. Generally, after the first trimester, I recommend avoiding any exercises that involve lying on your back and flexing the spine forward (for example, crunches and sit up exercises). We really want to avoid any exercises that are going to put too much pressure on the abdominal wall and this will vary from person to person. Because of this reason, it is so important to work with a Pilates professional at a Pilates studio to understand what this really means for your body and it’s limitations during your unique pregnancy.

An advanced Pilates practitioner or fitness expert is more in tune with how to properly engage the transverse abdominis (TA) versus someone who isn’t. Working with someone who doesn’t understand transverse abdominis engagement might do you more harm than good if they’re not properly trained in understanding how to instruct pregnancy safe ab workouts.

The Pilates plank exercise is a primary example of this. At 32 weeks, I still continue to do planking exercises, but I have made adjustments to be sure they are considered pregnancy safe core workouts. (You can watch how I demonstrate examples of planking during each of the trimesters in my video here.) While performing my plank, I make sure to focus on activating the pelvic floor and the transverse abdominis together, almost as if I am giving the baby a hug. Without knowledge of how to properly activate the transverse abdominis, the extra baby weight can pull the abdominal wall forward and down while doing a plank. This could result in putting extra pressure on the lower back, or result in pushing the abs forward and out causing coning which increases the risk of Diastasis Recti.

Can You Start Prenatal Pilates While Pregnant, or Should You First Have Prior Pilates Experience?

As a certified Pilates professional, I would not recommend starting Pilates completely from scratch while pregnant. But, pregnancy safe core workouts and regular movement are essential for a healthy mom and baby. If you are currently active and do physical fitness, I suggest finding a certified Pilates instructor at a Pilates studio or physical therapy rehab center. A professional will help you move and exercise safely at the level you are currently at, whether that be Pilates or other forms of physical exercise.

pilates to support your pregnancy safe ab workouts pregnancy safe core exercises PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio instructor long lake minnesota minneapolis usa 3

When Is a Good Time to Transition to Pregnancy Safe Core Exercises?

Generally, modifications in your Pilates exercises will start around the second trimester. This is when the abdominal wall starts to weaken, the baby is growing more rapidly, and your belly is expanding and stretching. In your second trimester, you may begin to notice the weakening of the core, lack of core control, and increasing difficulty in managing abdominal pressure during ab exercises – You may also notice this happening in the form of shaking, tremoring or even lower back pain when trying to do core workouts. It is important to keep the core connection strong, and pregnancy safe ab workouts should avoid any coning or bulging in the center of the belly. If you notice coning, please stop your regular exercises and revert to pregnancy safe core exercises, as excessive coning can exaggerate Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor dysfunction.

If you are noticing the abdominal wall shaking or trembling, but not coning, that is a sign of weakening but also transverse abdominis engagement. You may also notice the shaking happening more and more as the abdominal wall gets weaker as you progress through the trimesters. But, it is still okay to continue pregnancy safe ab workouts in order to keep your core as strong as possible throughout each trimester.

How Often Should a Person Practice Pregnancy Safe Ab Workouts?

It is hard to put a specific number on how often a person should practice pregnancy safe ab workouts, since every person is different. Really, it is all about listening to your body (learn how to listen to your body and what it really means in my blog post here) and doing what you feel is right for you.

How often you should practice pregnancy safe core workouts will also vary and change from trimester to trimester. This can also be dependent on how often your Pilates studio offers prenatal friendly classes. Ultimately, you want to aim for daily movement. Daily movement is recommended for a healthy mom and baby, and this might vary from a 10-minute workout to a 30-minute workout. Overall, how much and often a person performs pregnancy safe core and ab workouts will be dependent on the specific individual.

3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Core With Pilates for Delivering Your Baby on Your Back

Did you know that 68% of women deliver their babies lying on their back? Although it isn’t an ideal position, I am going to show you 3 exercises in how to strengthen your core with Pilates if you find yourself pushing in this position. Watch my video below for my 3 exercise demonstrations, and keep reading to find a special promo code to get you started with your prenatal Pilates journey!

Start Your Pregnancy Safe Ab Workouts Today!

For prenatal Pilates exercises, and prenatal yoga exercises, join PILATESBODY On-Demand! Gain access to professionally taught, effective workouts that you can perform at home or anywhere on any device. Start your free trial today using the promo code FREETRIAL!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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