The Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is designed to redefine your strength, vitality, and inner resilience. In 21 days you will transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Use this challenge as an incredible opportunity to transform, tone, and reshape your body and mind. Through guided at home Pilates workouts, community, and encouragement, you will see your strength build through Pilates fundamentals and weight training. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Watch the introduction video for more details and learn 5 Core Strengthening Exercises for Beginners by previewing the Day 4 Workout: Athletic Abs Core Burnout below!

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Training Challenge - Full Body Pilates Strong - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla

FREE Pilates Strength Challenge: 21 Days of Empowering Workouts for Busy Moms

The Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is designed to redefine your strength, vitality, and inner resilience. In 21 days you will transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Use this challenge as an incredible opportunity to transform, tone, and reshape your body and mind. Through guided at home Pilates workouts, community, and encouragement, you will see your strength build through Pilates fundamentals and weight training. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Watch the introduction video for more details and learn 5 Core Strengthening Exercises for Beginners by previewing the Day 4 Workout: Athletic Abs Core Burnout below!

This post includes affiliate links. I do earn a commission for products purchased using these links (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for supporting PILATESBODY by Kayla, making the content you see on this blog possible.

The 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is a Free Pilates Strength Training Workout Program

The 21-Day Pilates Strength Training Challenge is a program centered around harnessing the power of Pilates to enhance overall full body strength and vitality. Over three weeks, this transformative journey incorporates targeted Pilates core workouts and full body weight training exercises using minimal at home Pilates equipment, such as dumbbells and resistance bands. Specifically designed for busy individuals, this challenge offers a low-impact, yet highly effective, approach to sculpting strength and rejuvenating the entire body through expertly curated Pilates workouts. It’s more than just fitness. This is your opportunity to sculpt, strengthen, succeed and shine though your inner strength — 21 Days to a Stronger You!

This Free Pilates Challenge is designed for all levels and programmed to give you 6 Pilates at home strength training workouts (1 rest day) per week. Each day, dive into dynamic workouts guided by Kayla, your certified Pilates Instructor, and be a part of a strong, supportive community of dedicated individuals taking the challenge alongside one another. Whether you aim to amplify your core strength, smash through fitness plateaus, or discover Pilates in a whole new light, this challenge is your gateway to surpassing boundaries, redefining fitness aspirations, and unlocking your inner Pilates Queen!


Download Your FREE Workout Calendar

Start the Pilates Challenge today! Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar with direct links to each of the At Home Pilates Strength Training Workouts

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla
Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla


Download Your FREE Workout Calendar

Start the Pilates Challenge today! Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar with direct links to each of the At Home Pilates Strength Training Workouts

Who Is Pilates Strength Training For?

The Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge is highly recommended for individuals seeking a kick start to a transformative fitness journey within a manageable timeframe. This challenge is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their strength, flexibility, and overall fitness through the power of Pilates. It’s especially beneficial for:

  • Busy Individuals — Those with limited time seeking a concise yet impactful fitness routine.
  • Pilates Enthusiasts — Individuals who want to deepen their Pilates practice and explore new dimensions of the exercise.
  • Core Strength Seekers — Anyone aiming to amplify core strength and stability.
  • Fitness Plateau Breakers — Those looking to overcome fitness plateau and challenge themselves in new ways. As Healthline states, an effective way to break a plateau is to switch up your routine and this challenge is a great way to do that!
  • Driven Participants — Individuals who thrive in a supportive community environment, joining like-minded participants in their fitness journey.

Is Strength Training With Pilates Effective?

The effectiveness of the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge, like any form of exercise, depends on various factors, including your fitness goals, consistency, and how well the exercises are performed. Pilates strength training can be effective for certain fitness objectives, but its impact may vary from person to person. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Core Strength and Posture — Pilates is particularly effective for improving core strength and posture. The exercises emphasize engaging the core muscles, which can help reduce back pain and enhance overall stability.
  • Flexibility — The Pilates Strong calendar focuses on improving flexibility, particularly in the spine and other key joints through dedicated weekly mobility classes. This can be beneficial for individuals looking to increase their range of motion.
  • Body Awareness — Pilates Strong places an emphasis on body awareness and proper alignment. This can help you develop better posture, which can be especially useful if you spend long hours sitting at a desk or have posture-related issues.
  • Resistance and Stability — By incorporating weights this challenge can provide additional weight training and strength that traditional Pilates exercises may not offer. This added challenge can make it effective for those looking to increase muscle endurance and strength which is the main focus of the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge.

However, the effectiveness of the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge depends on how well the exercises are executed and whether they align with your fitness goals. It’s important to perform the exercises correctly, so working with a certified Pilates instructor is recommended, especially if you’re new to Pilates.

Remember that the effectiveness of any exercise program is also influenced by other factors like nutrition, overall lifestyle, and consistency. If this program aligns with your goals and preferences, and you maintain a regular practice, it can be an effective way to improve core strength, flexibility, and posture.


Pilates Strength Workouts FAQ

What is the difference between Pilates Strength workouts and Traditional Pilates?

Pilates Strength differentiates itself from traditional Pilates by incorporating the use of additional equipment like dumbbells for support, resistance, and alignment. While both focus on core strength and flexibility, Pilates Strong places a greater emphasis on strength training and muscle building, offering a dynamic approach to Pilates. This variation provides adaptability and a different workout experience compared to the traditional Pilates method.

Can Pilates Strength workouts help with weight loss?

Pilates Strength can indirectly support weight loss by burning calories during workouts, enhancing muscle tone, especially in the core, which can boost your resting metabolic rate, improving overall fitness, and promoting mindfulness and self-awareness, which can lead to healthier lifestyle choices.

Is the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge Free?

The 21-day Pilates Strength Challenge is free and generally done in the comfort of your home. Join my 21-day Pilates Strength Challenge to get started today and get the calendar with linked workouts right to your inbox!

Full Body Strength Workouts

21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge


What is the Pilates Strength Challenge?

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Introducing the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge – your ticket to a stronger, more vibrant you!

This incredible program is all about harnessing the magic of Pilates to boost your full-body strength and vitality. Picture this: targeted Pilates core workouts combined with full-body weight training exercises using dumbbells and bands. And guess what? It’s specially crafted for busy souls like us – offering a low-impact yet super effective way to sculpt strength and rejuvenate our entire bodies through carefully curated Pilates sessions.

Whether you’re on a mission to amplify your core strength, break through fitness plateaus, or simply explore Pilates in a whole new light, this challenge is your golden ticket to surpassing boundaries and unlocking your inner Pilates Queen!

No matter your fitness level, this challenge is designed for you, providing access to 21 daily Pilates at-home strength training workouts. Get ready to reshape, tone, and transform – 21 Days to a Stronger You awaits!

What is included in the Pilates Strength Challenge?

  • Daily Pilates Strength Workouts — Averaging 20-minutes, these at home Pilates workouts are short and attainable to fit perfectly into your daily schedule and alongside your current workout routine. The on demand Pilates workouts include athletic full-body strengthening, core, stretching, mobility and more for the variation we all need in our life.
  • 6 Pilates At Home Workouts (1 Rest Day) Per Week — All on demand Pilates workout videos are led by Kayla, your certified Pilates instructor, and can be accessed anytime, anywhere, from any device. All exercises and movements are professionally demonstrated, fully explained, and presented in an easy-to-follow-along style on YouTube.
  • Free Pilates Workout Calendar PDF — Download, print, save, and follow the challenge’s Daily Workout Calendar! For added accountability and fun, post your calendar in sight to cross off each day during the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge and add workout notes you want to remember!
  • Lifetime Access to the PILATESBODY Challengers VIP Community — Accountability is key to your personal growth and success. The PILATESBODY Challengers VIP Community is where you can ask me questions about the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge, build community with other like-minded women doing the challenge, gain accountability, and help one another to keep the motivation up!

Workout Equipment

The 21-Day Pilates Strength Training Challenge is designed to be done in the comfort of your home or on-the-go with minimal at home Pilates equipment. To access the challenge’s daily workout videos on the PILATESBODY by Kayla YouTube Channel, all you need is access to a TV or device with WIFI or data!

Minimal At-Home Equipment Needed:

Visit the PILATESBODY by Kayla Amazon Shop to see the equipment & brands we recommend.

Disclaimer: PILATESBODY by Kayla is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program. Which means I earn a small commission if you shop using the link above (at no additional cost to you). All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting PILATESBODY by Kayla!

Shop My Dumbbell Weight Set

My favorite dumbbells for building full-body strength! In the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge, I use anywhere from 3lb. to 8 lb. dumbbell weight sets, and they also come in a variety of other sizes.


Shop My Dumbbell Weight Set

My favorite dumbbells for building full-body strength! In the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge, I use anywhere from 3lb. to 8 lb. dumbbell weight sets, and they also come in a variety of other sizes.

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge (Day 4)

Athletic Abs Core Burnout Workout Preview

This 15-Minuate Athletic Abs Core Burnout Workout is a part of week one of the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge. It is just one of many workouts in the challenge to build strength, tone those arms, and gain a stronger core! Check out a preview of the challenge calendar below and don’t forget to download it for yourself!

Now, follow along with this 15-Minute At Home YouTube Workout, led by Certified Pilates Instructor, Kayla Brugger of PILATESBODY by Kayla.

Fitness Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Duration: 15-Minute Workout [Challenge workouts range from 10-35 minutes]


  • Pilates exercises for core strengthening 
  • Mat Pilates with no equipment required (this workout) 
  • Core focused workout for the week in the challenge

Prefer to Watch on YouTube?

5 Pilates Core Strengthening Exercises

Day 4 of the Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge

Bent Knee Roll Ups Spinal Mobility

Targets: Enhancing Spinal Mobility and Core Strength.


How to Do Bent Knee Roll Ups

  1. Begin seated  with knees bent and feet hip width distance apart. Arms reaching out in front of your chest.
  2. Slowly tuck your pelvis and round your spine feeling your core engage.
  3. Inhale as you roll down your spine towards the mat.
  4. Exhale as you roll back up your spine using your core strength.
  5. Repeat 5-10x

* For a live demonstration of the Spinal Mobility Exercise, watch the workout!

Toe Taps

Targets: Core Strength, Stability and Coordination


How to Do Toe Taps

  1. Begin laying down on your back knees up at table top and hands behind your head
  2. Exhale bring your chin to your chest and curl up into your chest lift.
  3. Inhale tap your right toe down then your left toe down keeping your core engaged.
  4. Exhale lift your right knee up and then your left knee up.
  5. Repeat 8-10 sets

* For a live demonstration of the Toe Tap Exercise, watch the workout!

Bicycle Crunch

Targets: Lower Abs and Obliques


How to Do Bicycle Crunches

  1. Begin laying down on your back knees up at table top and hands behind your head
  2. Exhale bring your chin to your chest and curl up starting to rotate towards your left knee as the right leg extends out long.
  3. Inhale through center.
  4. Exhale change sides bringing the right knee into table top and extending the left leg long.
  5. Continue to criss cross to each side for 8-10 reps.

* For a live demonstration of the Bicycle Crunch, watch the workout!

Pilates Teaser V-Up

Targets: Deep Core, Spinal Mobility, Hamstring Flexibility


How to Do Pilates Teaser V-Up

  1. Lay flat on your back with your legs together and arms extended over head.
  2. Exhale bring arms above chest, beginning to curl off your spine lifting your head and legs at the same time coming into a V shape. 
  3. Inhale roll down your spine as your nose and toes lower at the same time returning back to your long body stretch.
  4. Repeat 8 reps

* For a live demonstration of the Pilates Teaser V-Up Exercise, watch the workout!


Targets: Core, Hamstring Flexibility


How to Do Pilates Scissors

  1. Begin on your back in your chest lift with your right leg extended up towards the ceiling and left leg split out long to a hover. Both hands grabbing right leg.
  2. Inhale double pull right leg into chest, deeping your ab curl and feeling the stretch in your hamstring.
  3. Exhale switch legs grabbing your left leg and double pulling into your chest, deeping your ab curl and feeling the stretch in your hamstring.
  4. Continue scissoring your legs and repeat 10 reps total.


* For a live demonstration of the Scissors, watch the workout video!


EcoWise Premium Exercise Mat


3-Pound Workout Dumbbell Set


Pilates Gliding Discs System


8-Pound Workout Dumbbell Set


Booty Bands – Fabric Resistance Bands


Medium Density Foam Roller

Free Pilates Workout Calendar - 21-Day Pilates Strength Training Challenge for Beginners - PILATESBODY by Kayla

FREE 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge Workout Program

21 days to transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day

Get started today for FREE! Download the Workout Calendar for the 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge now! 

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge 

21 days to transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar to get started today!

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla
Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge - Pilates Strength Training - Pilates Workout Calendar - PILATESBODY by Kayla

Free 21-Day Pilates Strength Challenge 

21 days to transform your full body strength, reshape your mind body connection, and become Pilates Strong in just 20 minutes a day. Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar to get started today!

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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