Pilates At Home Classes vs Studio Pilates Classes

Pilates is truly a one-stop-shop type of exercise. It is the only system of exercise that incorporates strength, stability, stamina and stretch within each movement. This system of exercises is a great workout no matter if done at a professional studio or at home with some of the best online Pilates classes that are now available at your fingertips on any device. The benefits of Pilates are endless, but core strength, flexibility and improved posture are just a few that will contribute to an overall stronger, more balanced body. It can sometimes be difficult to decide whether online Pilates at home classes or studio classes are the best option for you. So, to help you decide, let’s talk about the pros and cons you may find with both options!

Pilates is truly a one-stop-shop type of exercise. It is the only system of exercise that incorporates strength, stability, stamina and stretch within each movement. This system of exercises is a great workout no matter if done at a professional studio or at home with some of the best online Pilates classes that are now available at your fingertips on any device.

The benefits of Pilates are endless, but core strength, flexibility and improved posture are just a few that will contribute to an overall stronger, more balanced body. It can sometimes be difficult to decide whether online Pilates at home classes or studio classes are the best option for you. So, to help you decide, let’s talk about the pros and cons you may find with both options!


The Evolution of Studio Pilates to Pilates At Home

In the 1920’s, Pilates was first designed by Joseph Pilates to be performed using just your body weight and an exercise mat. When it first gained popularity, the system of low-impact exercises was exclusive only to studios where a client could utilize all of the fancy equipment during their sessions. Most pieces of studio equipment use spring tension, and each piece takes up quite a bit of space. Studio equipment is also an investment, so most people were not finding it affordable to have their own Pilates at home equipment. Not to mention, there were not many online workout videos available back then to utilize fancy studio equipment at home, and certified instructors typically don’t travel to teach Pilates at home.

While all of the studio equipment is super important, it is not always necessary. Most instructors begin teaching their clients the basics of classical mat movements, making the exercise of Pilates at home more popular than ever. Since most exercises are done in a reclined or sitting position, and are low-impact, they require very minimal equipment. Sometimes you may incorporate Pilates resistance bands, a Pilates ball, or a power circle into your exercises for an added challenge or to mimic the use of the spring tension studio equipment. And today, the best online Pilates classes now offer a studio-like feel for performing Pilates at home with minimal equipment.


Pilates At Home Classes: “Pros”

If you prefer to workout on your own, have an incredibly busy schedule, or maybe want the flexibility to be able to workout anywhere at any time, online Pilates classes at home (or on-the-go) may be the right fit for you! Online classes are typically provided in these categories:

  • Live online classes (taught at a specific date and time via Zoom or social media platform by the certified instructor),
  • Playback/Recordings of online classes (certified instructors give a link for you to catch the playback/recording of a Live class they taught), or
  • On-Demand online classes (Live or pre-recorded classes you can watch on an app or streaming service – like “Netflix”).

Let’s talk about some of the “Pros” of online Pilates at home classes!


These days, with schedules busier than ever, taking some of the best online Pilates classes can provide you with an immense amount of convenience and flexibility to get in your daily workouts. You don’t need to search your calendar to find a coordinating date and time with an instructor to schedule a session, or carve out time during your busy day to drive to a studio. Since the classes are online, you can workout when it is convenient for you, at home or on-the-go. All you really need is a device to watch the workout on and very minimal equipment.

Minimal Pilates Equipment

Pilates generally uses only your body weight, an exercise mat, and occasionally, Pilates resistance bands or other at home equipment like sliding core discs or a foam roller. This means, you don’t need your own cardio machine, set of weights, barbells, bands, or the full at home gym of elaborate exercise equipment. The minimal equipment you would need for Pilates at home won’t take up much space, and can be easily stored at home when not in use. Needing minimal equipment also means you are able to pack it all up in a small workout bag for taking it with you on-the-go for work trips, vacations, or other travels. It truly is convenient!

Stress-Free Workouts

Maybe you prefer to workout on your own instead of in a full class of participants. Maybe you can only workout while your kids are playing in the background. Online Pilates classes at home or on-the-go are a great fit for these situations! Stress-free workouts means they cater to you and your needs and you don’t have to try and fit a certain mold. You can workout by yourself by watching an online class and feel less stressed and more relaxed in your own environment. You can hit “pause” to tend to your children for a brief moment and hit “play” to resume your workout. Working out and watching your kids at the same time may not necessarily be stress-free, but it is stress-free in the sense that you have control over your class and you won’t miss a moment of instruction with the ability to play, pause and rewind.

If Pilates at home sounds appealing to you, don’t hesitate to get started with our certified instructors and some of the best online Pilates classes at PILATESBODY On-Demand (preview 3 of the many offerings of classes at the end of this blog post). Because this system of exercises focuses on strengthening and stabilizing muscle groups, along with focusing on posture and alignment, it is excellent for toning your muscles without creating bulk – some of the best online Pilates classes do this well because the use of equipment is so minimal. Pilates often appeals to dancers and celebrities for this reason. It is known to help maintain that sleek and lean physique, but it more recently is becoming quite popular among a wider audience, especially with the accessibility to do Pilates at home.

Please remember: Excellent form, technique and breath work is best taught and demonstrated by a qualified instructor. It is extremely important to do your research and make sure you are working out with a certified instructor for safety reasons and best instruction. When getting started, it may also be in your best interest to take a few classes at a local studio – trust me, you won’t regret it.


Pilates At Home Classes: “Cons”

Although some of the best online Pilates classes are now available at your fingertips to be played on any device at any time, there may be some reasons why it is not the right fit for you and your needs. Let’s briefly talk about some of them.

No Personalized Instruction

Even though you are receiving professional instruction during an online class, you won’t be receiving personalized instruction and critique from your experienced instructor like you would receive during an in-person studio session. Pilates thrives on precision of exercises, and an instructor’s job is to correct form, to make sure you are completing each exercise correctly and to the best of your ability, as well as to make sure you are maintaining alignment through the entire body and correct form. This also helps reduce the chance of injury.

No Custom Injury Rehab

For those seeking Pilates due to an injury, working with a qualified instructor will ensure proper rehab, recovery, and modification or omittance of exercises that could make an injury worse. Online classes do not offer custom injury rehab and recovery workout services, and it is in your best interest to work in person with a qualified instructor at a studio so they can see your injury and needs first hand.

No Community Connection or Accountability

Another drawback to online classes is that you will not have the community connection with classmates like you would have while taking classes in a studio. You may also find that personal accountability can also be challenging in order to keep a consistent workout routine going with Pilates at home. Distractions are everywhere around the house and an excuse can pop up at any time to stop your workout or not do it at all. Attending an in-person studio private session or an in-person studio class can help maintain accountability and routine. Self motivation must be high when doing Pilates at home with some of the best online Pilates classes.

Studio Pilates Classes: “Pros”

Working out in a studio is often the best option for people to ensure they are getting the most out of their workouts. Let’s talk about some of the “pros” of studio classes!

Personalized Instruction

When training in-person with a qualified instructor, they will be watching your body move and will constantly offer cues and suggestions to maneuver your body differently to correct form, alignment, increase flexibility, or simply make an exercise more challenging. Many studios have private instructors who can provide a tailor-made experience customized to your fitness level, goals, and experience. At PILATESBODY by Kayla, we specialize in a 1:1 in-studio approach and customize each session to the client in front of us. Read more about our studio offerings HERE.

No Equipment Investments

Working out at a studio means you will have access to tons of professional equipment during your session. You won’t need to invest in any studio equipment for your home like the reformer, chair, or tower, which also come with a lot of care and maintenance too.

Community Connection and Accountability

Some people enjoy working out with others. During the session, it brings a sense of community and connection amongst the participants building relationships and sometimes friendships. You don’t have to rely on self accountability when you can rely on your instructor and classmates to help keep your workout routine strong.


Studio Pilates Classes: “Cons”

Studio classes are definitely not as convenient as Pilates at home, but they may not be the best fit for everyone. Let’s talk briefly about some of the “cons” that may affect your decision when choosing between online Pilates at home classes and studio classes.

Bookings and Commuting

To book a private studio session, you have to sign up for a specific class time or private session slot with your certified instructor. This can be tricky if the instructor or studio books quickly or far in advance, or if you have a busy or strict schedule with less flex time. Participating in a studio class or session will require you to commute to and from the studio, adding additional travel time to your day. Which can be seen as a “con” if you do not have a lot of free time in your day to spare.

Working Out With Others

Many times, people don’t like working out with others out of personal preference. Another reason may be they have a lack of confidence because they are just beginning their Pilates journey. These preferences can make attending an in person studio class or session less enjoyable than doing Pilates at home in your own environment. It is important to take your preferences into account when choosing between online Pilates at home classes and studio classes, but you also need to take into account what would be the best workout for you with the most growth and results.

Cost of Services

The other drawback of studio classes and sessions is the cost of services. The studio has overhead costs for their equipment, insurance, and instructor payroll, so you can expect to pay more for a group class and a little more for a private session than you would for an online class. After all, you are receiving professional, in-person, customized instruction set to your individual skill set and needs – the best of the best you could receive.


How to Start Pilates at Home

Starting with some of the best online Pilates classes is recommended over jumping straight into studio equipment work. Here at PILATESBODY by Kayla, we offer multiple online fitness challenges, and some of the best online Pilates classes at PILATESBODY On-Demand. A few of our best online Pilates classes are highlighted below – we have over 100 classes that are On-Demand, and 10-15 new classes are added monthly!

  • The Classic Mat Class #85
    If you haven’t been to class in a while, this is a great class to return to. Kayla Brugger teaches classical sequences with some basics and intermediate exercises. If you are newer to Pilates and are ready to move towards intermediate movements, you’ll appreciate how this class breaks down exercises like the Hundred, Ab 5 Series, and Swan.
  • Poolside Pump Class #70
    This class is designed to get your arms sculpted and toned. You will leave this workout feeling strong and mighty! Kayla Brugger pushes you to use the Pilates resistance bands to strengthen your upper body, which also incorporates lower body movements as well.
  • Tushy Time Class #96
    No more flat bum a.k.a. “Mommy Butt”! Kayla Brugger designed this workout with Pilates resistance bands to perk up the buns and target the abductor muscles. Your outer bum (gluteus medius) will be feeling spicy today!

To take these Pilates at home classes today, click here!

For even more online workouts, try PILATESBODY by Kayla’s guided 8-Week Core & Booty Challenge. Through this On-Demand 8-week Core + Booty Challenge, you can expect to challenge your stabilizers, build long lean muscles, and flatten your tummy. Only 6 small pieces of equipment are required, such as Pilates resistance bands, light hand weights, and an exercise mat, to name a few.

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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