The PILATESBODY On-Demand January 2023 Workout Calendar and Classes

I am so excited for 2023 because I have a lot of things planned for PILATESBODY by Kayla and PILATESBODY On-Demand. The biggest project I’ve been working on, alongside Amy Bizal Wellness, is finally ready to share with you. So if you’re ready for a fresh routine for 2023, we have just the thing: FREE Monthly Workout Calendars for the PILATESBODY On-Demand App!

Inside: The NEW Free Monthly Workout Calendars are here! Plus, preview the new on-demand Pilates workout classes that launched this month on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App.

Hey Guys!

The calm after the storm! Finally… As much as I dread the stretch between January and April, I always look forward to the New Year to be able to hit reset and have a fresh outlook on the year ahead. For me, this is generally kicked into high gear by immediately taking down all of the Christmas decorations, going on a complete home cleaning rampage, and getting trash happy throwing out all of the leftover cookies, chocolate, and sugar. It was all fun while it lasted, but see ya!! It is time to get back on track.

As we step into a new year, this is often a time we set lofty and unrealistic goals that we quickly forget about or abandon in a mere 3 weeks. Because of this, I am not a fan of “setting New Year’s goals”, especially those pertaining to weight loss. Instead, I now select for myself a “focus word” that I will use to set my intentions for the new year.

Each year, I choose 1-3 words that I want to define my year ahead. Below is my word for 2023 and why. If you need help finding your own 2023 word for vision planning, check out these two blogs I used to help me reflect and set my 2023 intentions:

My 2023 Word of the Year: Creative

While reflecting on 2022, I noticed the word “stuck” kept popping up. I often had feelings of frustration within myself of not being able to figure something out. Sometimes, I felt like my direction and paths were not clear.

My son Nash was born last year, and life with a newborn (and really that first year) is messy. We also have a daughter, Bobbi, so a lot of my 2022 was spent growing our family and taking care of littles in addition to growing and running my small businesses. If you can find scraps of time here and there, it is so important to try and get in some self-care to reset. I didn’t find as much of that in my 2022.

In 2022, I had little time to myself and to truly allow my creative brain to flow and work. I have not given any time to hobbies, and the more I reflected on it, I realized I don’t have any hobbies anymore. I used to love sewing and crafting of all kinds. So, with my focus word for 2023 being Creative, I’m making it a priority to allow myself to explore some of my past hobbies again. I am hoping this will allow my creative juices to flow to the surface again. It has been far too long since I’ve stamped, sewn, scrapbooked, or painted. The best part is, I realized I can now enjoy these hobbies with my daughter!

The January 2023 Workout Calendar for the PILATESBODY On-Demand App

I am so excited for 2023 because I have a lot of things planned for PILATESBODY by Kayla and PILATESBODY On-Demand. The biggest project I’ve been working on, alongside Amy Bizal Wellness, is finally ready to share with you. So if you’re ready for a fresh routine for 2023, we have just the thing: FREE Monthly Workout Calendars for the PILATESBODY On-Demand App!

The backbone of PILATESBODY is that we want to help you lead a healthy lifestyle. A big part in achieving a healthy lifestyle starts with establishing new routines for yourself in order to set yourself up to be successful. We want to make sure you get in your daily movement and exercise (by making it a routine) to help you keep a healthy body and mind, so we have created these workout calendars to make getting in your workouts easier! We hope you enjoy them and get much benefit from them.

How to Follow the Pilates Workout Calendars

  • There will be two workout calendars. One is a Pilates workout calendar, and the other is a pregnancy-safe Pilates and yoga workout calendar.
  • Complete each workout once and check the box as you go.
  • The daily workout classes average 30-minutes and have a specific focus in mind. You can view the January Daily Workout Focuses listed below.
  • The calendars are programmed for 4 workouts per week with 3 recovery/rest days per week. This sets you up for success to complete all 4 workouts, as well as fitting in any additional exercise you personally may do on top of Pilates.
  • Each day on the calendar has its own on-demand workout class selected for you. This allows you to get straight to your workout instead of spending time trying to figure out which class to choose.
  • On the PBOD App, you can search all these classes in the search bar, and click the heart icon to “favorite” each workout for easy access.
  • New workout calendars will be released every month and can be easily downloaded right here on the blog.

January Daily Workout Focuses

SUNDAY: Recovery
MONDAY: Pilates/Core
TUESDAY: Lower Body
WEDNESDAY: Recovery/Choice*
FRIDAY: Intention**
SATURDAY: Recovery
* Wednesday is your choice day. You can choose to have a rest day or to do a workout of your choice.
** Friday is your intention focused day. This means the workouts have a specific goal in mind (i.e. sleep, booty, pelvic floor, strength, etc.).

The workout calendars will change each month to keep your workouts fresh and exciting. Be sure to check our blog every month to download your workout calendar, or sign up for our email newsletter to automatically receive the free calendar in your inbox on the 1st of every month!

Please download your free PILATESBODY On-Demand workout calendar below. You can save it to your phone for easy accessibility. Or, if you need the extra accountability like I do, you can print it out to hang on your refrigerator or put in your daily planner to enjoy crossing off your workouts once you complete them.

The January 2023 Pilates Workout Calendar


The January 2023 Prenatal Pilates & Yoga Workout Calendar


NEW January Pilates and Yoga Classes on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App

Take a look at the BRAND NEW classes releasing this month! You can take the full on-demand workout classes on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App.

Do you have a Pilates or yoga workout request that you would like to see next month on the app? Leave us a comment below and we will work on filming it for you!

For more information on the PILATEBSODY On-Demand App, visit this webpage HERE.


25-Minute Pilates Ab and Leg Workout Class

Duration: 25-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Mat Pilates, Pilates Strong

Fitness Level: Level 3 (Advanced)

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Chair or Bench

Certified Instructor: Kayla

This is Kayla’s absolute favorite quick core circuit and standing legs workout for lean & toned legs with a little booty work! With this workout, you can expect to strengthen and tone your legs, thighs, butt, and abs. This Pilates class is designed without the use of any equipment, just your body weight only. You will get your heart rate up with this low-impact cardio, so grab your water and prepare for a good and quick burnin’ workout!


Postnatal Yoga Glute Challenge Class

Duration: 22-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Postnatal Pilates & Yoga, Yoga Flow

Fitness Level: Level 2 (Intermediate)

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Yoga Blocks

Certified Instructor: Amy

This Postnatal Yoga Glute Challenge class is to challenge you and your endurance, strengthen your glutes, and give you some time to tune into yourself and your body’s needs. We are going to flow, work on activating our glute muscles again (as during pregnancy they like to “switch off”), and work the muscles that support the hips and pelvis. Embrace the glute challenge in this class and be open to becoming stronger and more stable.


Athletic Abs Pilates Circuit Class

Duration: 15-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Ab Blast

Fitness Level: Level 3 (Advanced)

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

This Pilates ab workout has the most challenging core exercises for the upper and lower abs! This class will help to create a toned stomach and six pack definition. Kayla will challenge you in this intense mat Pilates ab workout and will push your core endurance to the point where you want to give up but you keep going!


Prenatal Yoga for Sciatica Pain Class

Duration: 19-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Prenatal Yoga

Fitness Level: Level 1 (Beginner)

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Yoga Blocks, or Pillow & Blanket

Certified Instructor: Amy

If you are experiencing pain in your tailbone because of pregnancy, then this Prenatal Yoga for Sciatica Pain class is for you. You will work on stabilizing and strengthening the supporting muscles of the pelvis and tailbone then stretch out muscles that may be extremely tight from your alignment being thrown off from pregnancy.


Pilates Limber Low Body Class

Duration: 55-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Pilates Stretch

Fitness Level: Level 1 (Beginner)

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

This Pilates Limber Low Body class works into both the strength and the flexibility of the hips and their surrounding structures. Expect some squatting, side lunge variations, and Pilates shapes to open up the hips through all of their various planes of movement.

Prenatal-Yoga-with-Birthing-Ball Class-PILATESBODY-on-demand-app-by-kayla-online-pilates-workout

Prenatal Yoga with Birthing Ball Class

Duration: 16-Minute Workout

Class Categories: Prenatal Yoga

Fitness Level: Level 1 (Beginner)

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Birthing Ball

Certified Instructor: Amy

Practice this prenatal yoga class during your pregnancy to get comfortable using the birthing ball in labor and delivery. You will also receive the benefit of learning helpful poses to prepare your body for labor. Once labor starts, use these poses to help manage contractions and progress labor.

FREE Trial – New Subscribers Enjoy 1-Month Free of On-Demand Pilates and Yoga Classes!

At PILATESBODY by Kayla, we offer some of the best online Pilates classes on our app, PILATESBODY On-Demand. New subscribers can use code FREETRIAL at checkout to take advantage of a 1-Month Free Trial on the app. We have over 210+ Pilates and yoga classes in our on-demand video library, and new classes are added every month. Create your account today HERE!

If you have any questions, or requests for new app workout classes, leave me a comment below!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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