The PILATESBODY On-Demand March 2023 Workout Calendar and Classes

FREE PDF DOWNLOADS – Spring-Inspired PILATESBODY On-Demand Workout Calendars for March 2023! Featuring fresh and exciting Pilates and Yoga classes and tutorials for prenatal and postnatal bodies.

Inside: FREE PDF DOWNLOADS – March 2023 Workout Calendars for the PILATESBODY On-Demand App, prenatal and postnatal friendly. Preview all of the spring-inspired Pilates classes, yoga classes, and Pilates exercise tutorials new to the app this month!

Happy March 1st, everyone!

We survived the “historic Minnesota blizzard” last week, which did not turn out to be the blizzard it was hyped up to be! The forecast predicted 2-feet of snow. While it was kind of exciting to think we were going to experience a historic amount of snow for the history books, I am glad the snowfall accumulation was much less than anticipated. With March now here, the days are getting longer, the temperatures will be getting warmer, and I am very eager to start seeing signs of spring!

The weather can have a huge effect on one’s energy, mood and mindset, which I have struggled with in the past … A LOT! Since the weather is completely out of my control, it becomes a huge energy blocker for me. I really do not like the cold, and snow really puts a damper on how things run from day to day. On a personal level, I suffer from Raynaud’s (lack of circulation in my fingers and toes), so the cold actually causes me a lot of physical discomfort at times. On a small business level, the cold and winter weather can really impact my Pilates studio bookings, causing cancellations, and that can be hard financially. Not to mention, seasonal depression is at all time highs in the winter months here in Minnesota, as we rarely see sunshine between November and March and when we do it is usually on the coldest days.

Coming back to that ever-so-popular, overused word, “mindset”. I have heard the saying, “mindset is everything”, so much in the past. I think I brushed it off and never really dabbled into it until I started working with my mentor, Brittany Heyboer. Last fall, we talked about energy blockers and how the weather can negatively impact my entire day if I let it. So, I began to shift my perspective on how I can turn a negative into a positive to navigate these drastic weather shifts with grace.

For example in the past I would look at the forecast and see cold, cold, cold, for days upon days and tell myself things such as, “This sucks. Why do I live here? I can’t do anything. This is awful”. It was all negatives and nothing positive pushing my thoughts. This year, I have worked on flipping the script and saying some positive things around icky weather. Things like, “This isn’t here to stay”, “Look how beautiful the snow is”, “Cold, fresh air is so good for my soul”. Just simply changing my thought processes about weather has allowed me to stay much more positive and energized through this long winter. And I mean it when I say long. It has been a record breaking year in snowfall and accumulation!

I want to encourage you to practice turning negatives into positives. Start by identifying an energy blocker. Then begin to recognize why it is an energy blocker for you and acknowledge it, but don’t push it away. We all have them for different reasons. Then write down 3-5 phrases like I did above on how you can flip a negative thought around your energy blocker into a positive. The next time the negativity is creeping in, push it out with one of your new phrases and see how your mood and mindset shift for the rest of the day!

Brittany has her own podcast called, Her.Unlocked, and I was recently a guest on her podcast’s Episode #10. In the episode, I briefly discuss “mindset” with Brittany, as well as how I unexpectedly found myself starting motherhood and entrepreneurship at the same time at the start of the pandemic in 2020. You can listen to my personal story on the podcast HERE!

If you struggle with the awkward month of March (are we still in winter or is spring coming?), then check out my newest class on PILATESBODY On-Demand called, Spring-Inspired Mat Pilates Class!  Here is the full list of on-demand Pilates workouts, on-demand yoga workouts, and on-demand Pilates tutorials that released this month on the app:

The March 2023 Workout Calendars for the PILATESBODY On-Demand App

Grab your PILATESBODY On-Demand Workout Calendars below for March 2023! Our certified Pilates and yoga instructors want to help you get in your daily movement and guide you into making exercise a routine. This will help you keep a healthy body and mind. To make fitting your workouts into your daily life easier, we have created these workout calendars for you! We hope you enjoy them and get much benefit from them.

Here’s what you can expect each day of the March Workout Calendar. Are you ready?!

March Daily Workout Focuses

SUNDAY: Recovery/Rest Day
MONDAY: Lower Body
TUESDAY: Intention*
THURSDAY: Recovery/Rest Day or Workout of Choice
FRIDAY: Upper Body
SATURDAY: Core or Recovery/Rest Day
* Tuesday is your intention focused day. This means the workouts have a specific goal in mind (i.e. sleep, booty, pelvic floor, strength, etc.)

How to Follow the Pilates Workout Calendars

  • Choose either calendar to download: the Pilates workout calendar or the pregnancy-safe Prenatal Pilates and yoga workout calendar.
  • Subscribe to the PILATESBODY On-Demand App to find all of the workout videos you need for this month’s calendar!
  • The calendars are programmed for 4 workouts and 3 recovery/rest days per week. This sets you up for success to complete all 4 workouts, as well as fitting in any additional exercise you personally may do on top of Pilates.
  • Do each video once and check it off as you go.
  • Each day, the workout classes average about 30-minutes and have a specific focus in mind depending on the day of the week.
  • On the PBOD App, you can search all these classes in the search bar, and click the heart icon to “favorite” each workout for easy access.
  • New workout calendars will be released every month and can be easily downloaded right here on the blog.

The workout calendars will change each month to keep your workouts fresh and exciting. Be sure to check our blog every month to download your workout calendar, or sign up for our email newsletter to automatically receive the free calendar in your inbox on the 1st of every month!

After you download your free PILATESBODY On-Demand workout calendar, you can save it to your phone for easy accessibility. Or, if you need the extra accountability like I do, you can print it out to hang on your refrigerator or put in your daily planner to enjoy crossing off your workouts once you complete them.

FREE DOWNLOAD PDF – Pilates Workout Calendar, March 2023


FREE DOWNLOAD PDF – Pilates & Yoga Prenatal Workout Calendar, March 2023


NEW March Pilates and Yoga Classes on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App

Take a look at the BRAND NEW classes releasing this month! You can take the full on-demand workout classes on the PILATESBODY On-Demand App.

Do you have a Pilates or yoga workout request that you would like to see next month on the app? Leave us a comment below and we will work on filming it for you!

For more information on the PILATEBSODY On-Demand App, visit this webpage HERE.


Spring-Inspired Mat Pilates Class

Fitness Level: Level 1 (Beginner)

Class Categories: Mat Pilates

Duration: 50-minute Workout

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

This class is a super fun reformer, spring-inspired, mat Pilates workout! Kayla takes classical reformer Pilates exercises and brings them onto the mat. You will start with a standing footwork warm up, then move onto the mat where you will work through traditional reformer sequences like reclined footwork, pulling straps, short box, and more!


Spring Into Labor Prenatal Yoga Flow Class

Fitness Level: Level 1 (Beginner)

Class Categories: Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Flow

Duration: 27-minute Workout

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Yoga Blocks, Pillows

Certified Instructor: Amy

This Spring Into Labor Prenatal Yoga Flow Class is designed to honor you and your spring pregnancy. You will do poses to honor the return of springtime while building endurance in your body for labor and stretching areas that become tight during pregnancy.


Postnatal Yoga Core Class

Fitness Level: Level 2 (Intermediate)

Class Categories: Ab Blast, Postnatal Pilates & Yoga, Yoga Flow

Duration: 28-minute Workout

Equipment: Exercise Mat, Yoga Blocks, Chair or Stool, Pillows

Certified Instructor: Amy

This Postnatal Yoga Core Class will help you challenge your core and move on into progressions, provided when you feel ready for more. Be sure to take it slow and only move into the progressions when your body feels ready for it.


How to Do the Pilates Hundred Exercise Tutorial

Fitness Level: 1 (Beginner), 2 (Intermediate), 3 (Advanced)

Class Categories: Pilates Tutorials

Duration: 3-minute Tutorial

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

Kayla teaches you how to the Pilates Hundred in Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced positioning.
The Pilates Hundred Exercise promotes circulation, improves coordination of movement with breath, and centers the mind and the body while connecting you to your core.

*If you are participating in Pilates March MATness, the Hundred is Day #1’s featured exercise. You can view the entire March MATness lineup HERE and grab your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar to follow along!


How to Do the Pilates Roll Up Exercise Tutorial

Fitness Level: 1 (Beginner)

Class Categories: Pilates Tutorials

Duration: 5-minute Tutorial

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

Kayla teaches you how to do the Pilates Roll Up Exercise full out, but also shows modifications. The Pilates Roll Up Exercise promotes spinal articulation and increases flexibility in the posterior muscles of the body, and teaches correct pelvic movement and builds abdominal strength.

*If you are participating in Pilates March MATness, the Roll Up is Day #2’s featured exercise. You can view the entire March MATness lineup HERE and grab your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar to follow along!


How to Do the Pilates Roll Over Exercise Tutorial

Fitness Level: 2 (Intermediate)

Precautions: Avoid rolling past the shoulder blades. Avoid this exercise if you have neck injuries.

Class Categories: Pilates Tutorials

Duration: 4-minute Tutorial

Equipment: Exercise Mat

Certified Instructor: Kayla

Kayla slowly walks you through proper roll over techniques, then gets you moving in real time. The Pilates Roll Over Exercise teaches reverse spinal articulation and lifting the ribs off the hips, and strengthens the abdominals.

*If you are participating in Pilates March MATness, the Roll Over is Day #3’s featured exercise. You can view the entire March MATness lineup HERE and grab your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar to follow along!

FREE Trial – New Subscribers Enjoy 1-Month Free of PILATESBODY On-Demand!

The PILATESBODY On-Demand App offers some of the best online Pilates and yoga classes and tutorials. New subscribers can use the promo code FREETRIAL during checkout to score 1-Month of Free Pilates and Yoga Workouts on the app. We have over 230+ Pilates and yoga classes in our on-demand library. New and inspiring exercise classes are added each month to keep your workouts fresh. Join today HERE!

If you have any questions, or requests for new app workout classes, leave me a comment below!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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1 Response
  1. Hi Pilates Pty Ltd

    I’m thrilled to see The PILATESBODY On-Demand releasing their March 2023 workout calendar and classes! Having a well-organized schedule is key to staying consistent and motivated in our fitness journey. With the convenience of on-demand classes, we have the flexibility to work out whenever and wherever suits us best. The PILATESBODY consistently delivers high-quality workouts that target various fitness levels and goals. From core-strengthening sessions to full-body workouts, their classes are designed to challenge and empower us. I’m especially excited to try out the new classes featured in the March lineup. Thank you to The PILATESBODY team for their dedication in providing accessible and effective Pilates workouts. I can’t wait to jump into this month’s calendar and make progress towards my fitness goals!

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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