It’s March MATness time! Grab your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar, step-by-step tutorials on all 34 featured mat Pilates exercises, as well as photos and YouTube video demonstrations for each exercise. Let the Pilates celebrations begin!

Pilates March MATness Free Calendar Tutorials PILATESBODY by Kayla pilates studio minnesota minneapolis long lake

March MATness Pilates Challenge: How to Do 30 At Home Mat Pilates Exercises

It’s a month-long Mat Pilates CELEBRATION! And I’ve got all of the things you need to start celebrating. Find out what March MATness is all about, grab your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar, and use my Pilates exercise tutorials to learn all of the original 34 mat Pilates exercises that are being featured (written, photographed, and video demonstrations for each exercise)!

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What is March MATness?

March is often viewed as the turning point of the seasons. We eagerly await the thaw and anticipate warmer temperatures and sunshine, while praying we do not see another snowfall. It is also the time of year when the NCAA Men’s Basketball begins its March Madness tournament.

In 2013, March MATness was born, featuring the 34 original Mat Pilates exercises featured in Joseph Pilates’ book, The Return of Life Through Contrology. Every March, people around the world share their love of Pilates and community by doing one of the 34 mat Pilates exercises per day. Benjamin Degenhardt, the brains behind March Matness, started the exercise marathon almost by accident and it has now grown into a yearly celebration of Joseph Pilates original Mat Pilates exercises.

FREE DOWNLOAD: The March MATness Pilates Exercise Calendar

Here you go! Download your FREE March MATness Pilates Exercise Calendar now! Save it to your mobile device and click on each day to access that exercise’s how-to tutorial on my YouTube Channel. You can also print it out and hang it in sight to cross off each day’s exercise as you complete them all month long for a sense of accomplishment! I truly hope you give each exercise a try and have so much fun! And remember, all of my March MATness Pilates exercise tutorials are in this blog post also just below this Free download.


Download Your FREE Workout Calendar

Start March MATness today! Download your Free Pilates Workout Calendar with direct links to each of the At Home Pilates Exercise Tutorials

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Enter your name and email to receive the March MATness Pilates Workout Calendar PDF. We won't sell your information or spam you.

How Did March MATness Start?

Degenhardt snagged a signed copy of Joseph’s book before heading on a vacation. He studied the book and recorded and photographed his mat Pilates practice along the way. He wanted to start an online community through sharing his mat Pilates practice.

Benjamin took the excitement of the ever so popular NCAA March Madness basketball tournament and simply substituted the letter “D” with the letter “T” in the title and began posting one Pilate exercise image a day in March. Questions started flooding in on if he would do it again the following year, and thus, March MATness was born and it continues to grow yearly. It is now a fully-led community event and anyone can join in and participate in the celebration of the original mat Pilates exercises!

How to Participate in March MATness

The beautiful thing about March MATness is it is open to anyone! To participate, you can simply print out your FREE March MATness Exercise Calendar below, and follow the daily exercise videos on my YouTube channel and on the PILATESBODY On Demand App. With each daily exercise, you can choose to photograph or record yourself, or a friend, performing the exercise and post it on social media using the hashtag #MarchMATness.

Get creative and think outside of the studio! Mat Pilates can be done and is accessible anywhere – on a beach, at the top of a mountain, in your cozy cabin in the woods, in your own living room for a Pilates at home session! If you need inspiration, you can search the @marchmatness Instagram feed or browse the #MarchMATness hashtag on social media. Have fun with it and put your own twist on the classical mat Pilates exercises!

What if I Don’t Have Social Media?

Posting on social media is not a requirement to participate in the March MATness phenomenon! There are so many ways you can participate in building a solid mat Pilates regimen while helping yourself find the motivation to get on your mat daily all month long, forming healthy habits. Simply following the March MATness Exercise Calendar and following along with my daily mat Pilates YouTube videos will help you dust off your mat and become part of the Pilates community! I also encourage instructors to revisit the original exercises as you may unintentionally drop some movements out of order or routine, especially if you don’t like them or or cannot do them well (we all have those exercises we love to hate!).

It is so fun to see March MATness performed around the world by so many different bodies demonstrating these iconic and well loved (and not so loved) Mat Pilates exercises. It is a great reminder that Pilates is a world wide practice. The @marchmatness Instagram feed is sporting a whopping 19,000 followers and the #MarchMATness hashtag has 182,000 posts! The popularity of March MATness proves what impact Joseph Pilates still has on the community and that it will live on forever.

March MATness Pilates Exercise Calendar

Ready to start your March MATness sequence? The March MATness mat Pilates exercises are the same every year. Below is the list of daily exercises and social media posting schedule, if you feel like sharing! And below the list is your FREE March MATness Pilates Exercise Calendar for you to download or print! Cross off each day’s exercise as you complete them all month long.

No matter how you choose to participate and celebrate March MATness, I truly hope you give each exercise a try! Be sure to view my tutorials below for each of these March MATness Pilates Exercises! Each tutorial below has written instruction, photos, and video demonstrations. You can click on a date in the list and it will fast-track you to that particular exercise in this blog post for fast viewing.

Date Exercise Hashtag
March 1 The Hundred #hundred
March 2 The Roll Up #rollup
March 3 The Roll Over #rollover
March 4 The One Leg Circle #onelegcircle
March 5 Rolling Back #rollingback
March 6 The One Leg Stretch #onelegstretch
March 7 The Double Leg Stretch #doublelegstretch
March 8 The Spine Stretch #spinestretch
March 9 Rocker with Open Legs #rockerwithopenlegs
March 10 The Corkscrew #corkscrew
March 11 The Saw #saw
March 12 The Swan-Dive #swandive
March 13 The One Leg Kick #onelegkick
March 14 The Double Kick #doublekick
March 15 The Neck Pull #neckpull
March 16 The Scissors & Bicycle #scissors | #bicycle
March 17 The Shoulder Bridge #shoulderbridge
March 18 The Spine Twist #spinetwist
March 19 The Jack Knife #jackknife
March 20 The Side Kick #sidekick
March 21 The Teaser #teaser
March 22 The Hip Twist #hiptwist
March 23 Swimming #swimming
March 24 The Leg Pull Front & Back #legpull
March 25 The Side Kick Kneeling #sidekickkneeling
March 26 The Side Bend #sidebend
March 27 The Boomerang #boomerang
March 28 The Seal & Crab #seal | #crab
March 29 The Rocking #rocking
March 30 The Control Balance #controlbalance
March 31 The Push Up #pushup

March MATness Pilates Exercise Tutorials

Use my Pilates exercise tutorials below to learn the 34 exercises featured in Pilates March MATness! Each Pilates exercise tutorial below features written instruction, photo demonstration, and video demonstration. FREE Pilates Video Tutorials will be released each day of the month and posted here on this blog featuring that day’s exercise. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be notified, follow along with me on Instagram, or check back on this blog post each day. They will be posted here with their day’s written tutorial and exercise photos. I hope you give each of these March MATness Pilates Exercise Tutorials a try!

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March 1: The Hundred Exercise (#hundred)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Hundred Exercise promotes circulation, improves coordination of movement with breath, and centers the mind and the body while connecting you to your core.


  1. Lie on your back, knees bent, arms long with palms down at your sides.
  2. Bring chin to chest and knees towards tabletop, stretching your arms long (Advanced: position legs up or out).
  3. While pumping your arms vigorously up and down 6-8 inches repeatedly, perform this exercise 10 times by breathing in for 5 counts, then out for 5 counts, until you reach 100.

March 2: The Roll Up Exercise (#rollup)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Roll Up Exercise promotes spinal articulation and increases flexibility in the posterior muscles of the body, and teaches correct pelvic movement and builds abdominal strength.


  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and together. Arms above chest.
  2. Inhale, lift your chin to your chest, reach arms toward the ceiling, and bring your head through your arms.
  3. Exhale, scoop abs and roll up by deepening the abdominals, keeping rounded.
  4. Inhale, roll down curling the tail under to the lower back, waist and rib.
  5. Do up to 6 repetitions.

March 3: The Roll Over Exercise (#rollover)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Roll Over Exercise teaches reverse spinal articulation and lifting the ribs off the hips, and strengthens the abdominals.


  1. Lie on your back with legs straight up to the ceiling.
  2. Inhale, use your abs to lift the hips and legs straight over the head.
  3. Exhale, slowly roll down vertebrae by vertebrae.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 4: The One Leg Circle Exercise (#onelegcircle)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates One Leg Circle Exercise lengthens and tones the thighs, stretches and stimulates circulation to the lower body, and teaches pelvic stabilization.


  1. Lie on your back, one leg straight up to the ceiling and the other long on the mat.
  2. Inhale, cross the lifted leg over the body to the opposite shoulder.
  3. Exhale, circle around and up to center, toes in line with the nose.
  4. Do 5 repetitions each direction.

March 5: Rolling Back / Rolling Like a Ball Exercise (#rollingback)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Rolling Back Exercise massages the spine, improves alignment, and increases circulation and promotes relaxation in the body.


  1. Tuck your knees into your chest, wrapping your hands around your shins/ankles.
  2. Inhale, pull your abdominals in and roll back to your shoulders. Head stays off the mat.
  3. Exhale, roll up and pause at the top.
  4. Repeat 5 – 6 times.

March 6: The One Leg Stretch Exercise (#onelegstretch)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates One Leg Stretch Exercise strengthens and builds endurance in the abdominals, and promotes centering alignment.


  1. Lie on your back, head curled up and one knee to chest.
  2. Inhale as you pull your leg firmly to your chest, heel to buttocks, reaching opposite leg long.
  3. Exhale, change legs, and pull the other leg into your body.
  4. Repeat, switching legs, 6 – 8 times.

March 7: The Double Leg Stretch Exercise (#doublelegstretch)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Double Leg Stretch Exercise strengthens and builds stamina in the abdominals, and teaches body opposition.


  1. Lie on your back, head curled up and both knees at chest.
  2. Inhale, reach your arms up by your ears and legs out long from your center. Pause to lengthen.
  3. Exhale, circle your arms around hugging your knees tightly back into your chest.
  4. Repeat 6 – 8 times.
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March 8: The Spine Stretch Exercise (#spinestretch)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Spine Stretch Exercise stretches the lower lumbar spins and hamstrings, promotes a complete exhale, and teaches you how to sit up and out of the hips using your core.


  1. Sit tall, legs out in front hip width apart.
  2. Exhale, bring your head directly through your arms, your chin to your chest and nose to your naval, rounding your spine up and over, reaching arms long.
  3. Inhale, stack up the lower, mid and upper spine pulling abdominals in and up.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 9: Rocker with Open Legs Exercise (#rockerwithopenlegs)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Rocker with Open Legs Exercise challenges balance, control and the ability to initiate movement from the center, and massages the spine and promotes alignment.


  1. Balance between your tailbone and sacrum in a C-Curve. Hold onto the front of the ankles with legs extended long.
  2. Inhale, pull the abs in to roll back, keeping head off the mat.
  3. Exhale, roll back up, balance on your bottom, lift chest and gaze up and out.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 10: The Corkscrew Exercise (#corkscrew)

Level: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Corkscrew Exercise strengthens the ab muscles, lengthens and tones the thighs, and teaches spinal articulation with control in the advanced corkscrew.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below to view all 3 skill level variations for the Corkscrew Pilates Exercise.
  2. Repeat 3 – 5 times in each direction.

March 11: The Saw Exercise (#saw)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Saw Exercise stretches the spine in rotation, strengthens the ab muscles, and improves circulation.


  1. Sit with legs apart, feet open mat width, arms out to a T.
  2. Inhale, twist your spine as the back arm lowers and the palm lifts high as you curl forward.
  3. Exhale, reach your pinky past the opposite toe as you look to your back hand.
  4. Inhale, scoop deeply and roll the spine up.
  5. Exhale, twist to the other side and repeat.
  6. Repeat 3 – 5 times on each side.

March 12: The Swan-Dive Exercise (#swandive)

Level: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Swan-Dive Exercise stretches the abdominals and strengthens the spine in extension.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below to view all 3 skill level variations for the Swan Dive Pilates Exercise.
  2. Repeat 3 times.

March 13: The One Leg Kick Exercise (#onelegkick)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates One Leg Kick Exercise strengthens the torso in an extended position, lengthens quads while engaging the hamstrings and glutes, and teaches lifting the head out of the shoulders to support the body with the upper back and abdominals.


  1. Lie on belly, elbows under shoulders, forearms pressed firmly into the floor. Lift chest, keeping abdominals engaged. Pelvis anchored and legs together.
  2. Inhale, bend one knee and kick the heel to seat while maintaining length in the body.
  3. Exhale, switch legs and “kick, kick” the opposite heel towards the seat.
  4. Repeat 3-5 times with each leg.

March 14: The Double Kick Exercise (#doublekick)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Double Kick Exercise increases spinal extension while stretching the chest shoulders, abdominals and quads.


  1. Lie on your belly with hands wrapped at the small of your back, legs together with head turned to one side.
  2. Exhale, bend both knees and kick heels into the seat 3 times.
  3. Inhale, extend legs, lift chest and reach knuckles towards your heels. Turn your head to the other side and release down.
  4. Repeat 3 head turns each side.

March 15: The Neck Pull Exercise (#neckpull)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Neck Pull Exercise strengthens the powerhouse, stretches and lengthens posterior muscles, and teaches coordination and articulation of the spine.


  1. Lie on your back with your hands stacked behind your head, feet hip width and parallel. Feet flexed and heels anchored.
  2. Inhale, draw your chin to your chest rolling up off your spine, keeping elbows wide and legs pressed into the mat. (Watch the YouTube video for arm variation).
  3. Exhale, continue rolling all the way up and over maintaining an activated lift and curl.
  4. Inhale, uncurl stacking spine up from tail to head and sit tall on top of sitz bones.
  5. Exhale, hinge slightly back keeping a flat back then begin to curl pelvis under rolling down bone by bone to the mat.
  6. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 16: The Scissors Exercise (#scissors) and Bicycle Exercise (#bicycle)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Scissors Exercise and the Pilates Bicycle Exercise teaches shoulder stabilization and lifting the pelvis off the ribs. They also stretches and lengthens the legs and promotes coordination.


  1. Begin laying down with legs and hips lifted in a shoulder stance, hands supporting the low back
  2. Inhale, scissor legs apart long feeling stretch and length.
  3. Exhale, switch legs and repeat 5 each leg.
  4. Maintain scissor legs and begin to bicycle.

March 17: The Shoulder Bridge Exercise (#shoulderbridge)

Level: Beginner & Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Shoulder Bridge Exercise promotes spinal articulation, pelvic positioning and glute strength, stretches the quads, and strengthens the hip extensors and hamstrings.


  1. Lie on your back, feet hip width and parallel.
  2. Inhale, lift your pelvis in one piece making a straight line from shoulders to hips.
  3. Exhale, roll your spine down bone by bone into the mat.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times.
  5. Legs together for intermediate version.

March 18: The Spine Twist Exercise (#spinetwist)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Spine Twist Exercise teaches spinal rotation, challenges length in the body out of the hips and legs, and improves respiratory function.


  1. Begin seated, legs extended straight out together with feet flexed, arms to a “T”.
  2. Exhale, double twice to one side maintaining the relationship of the arms and body, growing taller.
  3. Inhale, return to center staying tall on sitz bones.
  4. Exhale, repeat to the other side keeping legs together and pelvis still.
  5. Repeat 3 – 5 times each side.

March 19: The Jack Knife Exercise (#jackknife)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Jack Knife Exercise strengthens the back and abdominals, promotes spinal articulation and control, and increases flexibility in lower back.


  1. Lie on your back with legs straight up to the ceiling. Arms long at your sides pressing firmly into the mat.
  2. Inhale, lift your hips over your shoulders with your core. Maintain a 90-degree hip angle. Legs parallel to the mat.
  3. Exhale, lift both legs towards ceiling as pelvis lifts up to a straight line over the shoulders into a shoulder stand.
  4. Keep exhaling as you roll the spin into the mat with control while reaching the legs in opposition to the ceiling. Keep head and arms pressing gently into the mat. Finish with legs extended straight up to the ceiling. Advance by lowering legs to 45 degrees with control.
  5. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 20: The Side Kick Exercise (#sidekick)

Level: Beginner

Goal: The Pilates Side Kick Exercise lengthens and tones the thighs, hips and abdominals, promotes balance and how to move the legs from the hips and powerhouse.


  1. Lie on your side with your head propped up, legs angled slightly forward as if your body is making a banana shape.
  2. Breathe naturally as you kick your top leg forward/back, up/down, circles.
  3. Repeat 3 – 5 times each.
  4. Reference the YouTube video below to view all leg variations.

March 21: The Teaser Exercise (#teaser)

Level: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Teaser Exercise strengthens and builds abdominal endurance, promotes control and spinal articulation, and lengthens hamstrings and legs.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below to view all 3 skill level variations for the Teaser Pilates Exercise.
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March 22: The Hip Twist / Circles Exercise (#hiptwist)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Hip Twist Exercise strengthens the powerhouse to maintain and upright posture with extended legs, and promotes control of rotation from the abdominals while challenges balance and core stability.


  1. Sit with straight arms behind the mat with legs together and extended up at eye level.
  2. Inhale, circle the legs to the right, around and toward the mat and back up to center.
  3. Exhale, circle the legs to the left around toward the mat and back up to center.
  4. Repeat 3 each direction.

March 23: Swimming Exercise (#swimming)

Level: Beginner & Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Swimming Exercise lengthens and strengthens the spine in extension, and teaches the arms to move from the back and the legs to move from the hips.


  1. Begin laying on your stomach, arms reaching long and legs together in parallel reach in opposition to arms.
  2. Inhale, lift your head. Reach your right arm and left leg long, and head off the mat keeping your back long and abs scooped up and in.
  3. Inhale and exhale for 5 counts alternating arms and legs, keeping chest lifted and torso still.
  4. Repeat 6 – 8 times.

March 24: The Leg Pull Front & Back Exercise (#legpull)

Level: Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Leg Pull Front & Back Exercise strengthens, stretches and aligns the entire body.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below to view the tutorial for the Leg Pull Front & Back Exercise.

March 25: The Side Kick Kneeling Exercise (#sidekickkneeling)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Side Kick Kneeling Exercise strengthens and tones the abdominals, hips and thighs, promotes balance on a small base of support, challenges core strength and stability, and maintains alignment in the hips.


  1. From a kneeling position, shift weight into one knee as you bring the same hand to the mat so you’re in a straight line. Opposite leg extended long and top and behind your head.
  2. Inhale, swing the top leg forward keeping hips squared and body still.
  3. Exhale swing the leg backwards maintaining length.
  4. Repeat 3-5 each direction.

March 26: The Side Bend / Mermaid Exercise (#sidebend)

Level: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Side Bend Exercise stretches the sides of the spine and hips, and opens the ribcage. It also strengthens the obliques and respiratory system.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below to view all 3 skill level variations for the Side Bend Pilates Exercise.

March 27: The Boomerang Exercise (#boomerang)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Boomerang Exercise strengthens and builds endurance in the powerhouse, and challenges full body control and coordination of multiple different Pilates exercises in one.


  1. Sit tall with legs straight and one ankle crossed over the other. Hand directly under shoulders palms down.
  2. Inhale, lift the legs and roll backwards bringing legs overhead parallel like roll over. Recross the ankles.
  3. Exhale, roll up to a teaser position reaching the hands to the toes. Sit tall as both arms brush alongside the body and back clasping hands to lower back.
  4. Inhale, reach the arms away from the back and lift the legs higher in opposition, lower the body forward, head to knees.
  5. Exhale, lift the arms from the back up to the ceiling as you circle your arms around.
  6. Roll up sitting tall to start again.
  7. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 28: The Seal Exercise (#seal) and The Crab Exercise (#crab)

Level: Beginner & Intermediate

Goal: The Pilates Seal and Crab Exercises promotes relaxation and massage the spine as a cool down.


  1. Reference the YouTube video below for both exercises.

March 29: The Rocking Exercise (#rocking)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Rocking Exercise helps you stretch and strengthen your back, and elongates your spine and stabilizes your torso to improve posture.


  1. Begin laying on your abdomen, bend knees reaching hands back for tops of feet.
  2. Inhale, press feet into hands lifting your head, chest, knees and thighs off the mat.
  3. Exhale, begin rocking forward towards chest
  4. Inhale, rock back and and lift chest up
  5. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

March 30: The Control Balance Exercise (#controlbalance)

Level: Advanced

Goal: The Pilates Control Balance Exercise teaches reverse spinal articulation and lifting the ribs off the hips, and lengthens and tones the hamstrings and thighs.


  1. Begin in a roll over position, grabbing onto one ankle
  2. Inhale, stretch one leg straight up to the ceiling.
  3. Exhale, return both legs back together.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times each leg.

March 31: The Push Up Exercise (#pushup)

Level: Beginner & Intermediate
Goal: The Pilates Push Up Exercise strengthens the torso and upper body in movement together.

  1. Set up in a front support or high plank position.
  2. Inhale, bend your elbows towards your ribs as you lower down in one piece to the mat
  3. Exhale, press up.
  4. Repeat 3 – 5 times.

Start Pilates At Home Exercises Today!

Ready to begin Pilates at-home exercises? Here are 2 of my favorite Pilates classes for any skill level to help you get started with Pilates at home today!

Enjoy 1 Month FREE of PILATESBODY On-Demand App using the code FREETRIAL at checkout. Get unlimited access to Pilates workouts designed for all experience levels, body types, and ages of life.

YouTube Back to Basics Mat Pilates Class
Equipment: Exercise Mat
Description: This class is great for the rehearsed Pilates student to review the basics or a beginner just starting out. This workout offers a few variations to the classical Pilates order and incorporates some relaxing stretches within the flow to fuse yoga and Pilates together.

PILATESBODY On-Demand The Classic Mat Pilates Class #85
Equipment: Exercise Mat
Description: If you haven’t been to class in a while, this is a great class to return to. I teach you the classical sequences with some basics and intermediate exercises. If you are newer to Pilates, and are ready to move towards intermediate movements, you’ll appreciate how this class breaks down some exercises like the Hundred, Ab 5 Series, and Swan.

Did You Try All 34 March MATness Pilates Exercises?

I truly hope you enjoyed yourself during March MATness and got to try all of the featured mat Pilates exercises. Be sure to share your favorite exercise with me below in the comment section! I love to see which ones people love, and which ones people “love to hate”. If you haven’t tried any yet, I’d love to chat with you on how to start!

Your Friend & Pilates Expert,


Kayla Brugger
Founder of PILATESBODY by Kayla
Founder of PILATESBODY On-Demand

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Hi, I'm Kayla Brugger. Certified Pilates Instructor & Minnesota Mama of 2.

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